

流賊、清人殘毀明陵傳聞考辨 An Investigation into the Authenticity of the Legendary Destruction of the Ming Tombs by the Peasant Rebels and the Manchus

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    何冠彪 Koon-piu Ho

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根據不少清初史籍所說,流賊在進攻北京途中,曾焚毀昌平十二明陵;亦有傳聞記述,清人入關後,再次摧毀十二陵。這兩個說法雖然深入人心,流傳不已,但近日已有學者懷疑其可信性。就前者而言,有人認為流賊祇焚毀了定陵;有人則強調流賊未嘗焚毀十二陵。就後者言,論者普遍相信清人毀壞了定陵和德陵。本文就紛紜眾說,細加考辨,力證流賊入京途中,曾焚毀康、昭、定三陵;而清人入主後,僅破壞定陵而已。清人雖曾焚毀德陵,但此事發生於崇禎九年 (1636),即他們入主前八年。

According to many private historical works published in early Ch’ing, the peasant rebels were accused of having set fire to the Ming Tombs in 1644 on their way to invade Peking. On the other hand, there were also legends described how the Manchus further destroyed the Ming Tombs soon after they took over the rule of China. Such legendary incidents are still prevalent in modern historical writings, even though some contemporary scholars began to cast doubt on their credibility. Some contemporary scholars argue that only the Ting-ling (Tomb of Emperor Wan-li) had been burned down by the rebels; others even allege that the rebels had not ignited flame on any Ming Tombs at all. As for the role of the Manchus, a rather common ground in serious scholarship is that the Manchus had caused severe damage to the Ting-ling and the Te-ling (Tomb of Emperor Tien-ch’i). This article, however, demonstrates that at the material times the rebels had in reality cremated three Ming Tombs, whereas the Manchus were only responsible for the inflammation of the Ting-ling. The Manchus did kindle a destructive fire on the Te-ling, but it was in 1636, eight years before they began to rule China.


流賊 明陵 定陵 德陵 多爾袞

liu-tse (wandering bandits), Ming Tombs, Ting-ling (Tomb of Emperor Wan-li), Te-ling (Tomb of Emperor Tien-ch’i), Dorgon




Koon-piu Ho, “An Investigation into the Authenticity of the Legendary Destruction of the Ming Tombs by the Peasant Rebels and the Manchus,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 76.8 (2005): 169-208.

2005 〈流賊、清人殘毀明陵傳聞考辨〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》76.8:169-208。
Ho, Koon-piu
2005 “An Investigation into the Authenticity of the Legendary Destruction of the Ming Tombs by the Peasant Rebels and the Manchus.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 76.8: 169-208.
何冠彪. (2005). 流賊、清人殘毀明陵傳聞考辨. 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, 76(8), 169-208.

Ho, Koon-piu. (2005). An Investigation into the Authenticity of the Legendary Destruction of the Ming Tombs by the Peasant Rebels and the Manchus. Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 76(8), 169-208.
何冠彪. “流賊、清人殘毀明陵傳聞考辨.” 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 76, no. 8 (2005): 169-208.

Ho, Koon-piu. “An Investigation into the Authenticity of the Legendary Destruction of the Ming Tombs by the Peasant Rebels and the Manchus.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 76, no. 8 (2005): 169-208.
何冠彪. “流賊、清人殘毀明陵傳聞考辨.” 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, vol. 76, no. 8, 2005, pp. 169-208.

Ho, Koon-piu. “An Investigation into the Authenticity of the Legendary Destruction of the Ming Tombs by the Peasant Rebels and the Manchus.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, vol. 76, no. 8, 2005, pp. 169-208.


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