

郭店楚墓竹簡從「匕」諸字及相關詞語考釋 Verifications of Some Guodian Bamboo Slips Characters which Comprise the Radical of bi, and Some Related-terms

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    袁國華 Kwok Wa Yuen

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1.〈老子甲〉第34號簡 戊(牡)一詞中的「 」字,原釋文逕釋作「牝」,惟從字形考量,該字當隸定為「 」即「必」字;簡文中用為「牝」的通假字。
2.〈語叢二〉第47號簡「亡(無) 」一詞中的「 」字,已有學者指出可讀同「必」,本文則進一步指出,除了構體偏旁左右互換之外,最特別的是「 」字將後世普遍寫作右向的「匕」字,反寫為左向,是使「 」字辨識更為困難的主要原因。
3.〈老子甲〉第10號簡有一「 」字,乃從「匕」得聲,當隸定作「匹」,傳世諸本同句,字皆作「安」,以音義求之,似可讀作「宓」,作「安靜」義。
4.〈唐虞之道〉第18號簡有「 夫」一詞,「 」字,過去或釋作「仄」,或以為即「匹」字之誤;惟參照新發表的《上海博物館藏戰國楚竹書‧緇衣》相關文句「匹」字的構形,可以確定「 」乃從「匕」得聲的「匹」字無疑,故「 夫」一詞當與「匹夫」同,乃指「平民百姓」。
5.〈尊德義〉第24號簡中的「 」字合文的「 」,與「所」極為相似,惟以字之形義推斷,疑「 」字當為「匹」字訛體,故「 」應讀同「匹人」,與「匹夫」同義,指「平民百姓」。

Some characters in the Guodian Bamboo Slip manuscripts have the radical of bi. Due to the misunderstanding of the structure of the characters, some related phrases and sentences were not verified correctly. Five such cases are worth studying. 
Firstly, the phrase “bi wu” in “Lao Zi Jia” had been formerly transcribed as “pin wu,” although both transcriptive phrases have the same meaning, “bi” should not be regarded as a variant of “pin.” “Bi” is “bi.” It is a jiajiezi of “pin.”
Secondly, the phrase “wu bi” in “Yu Cong 2” had been correctly transcribed as “wu bi.” This paper further points out that, because the special written word form bi is extremely different from the proper one, the distinction is difficult to make.
Thirdly, the character “pi” in “Lao Zi Jia”, possesses a phonetic radical bi, so it should be transcribed as “pi,” which is a jiajiezi of “mi.” “Mi” means “calm.” 
Fourthly, the phrase “pi fu” in “Tang Yu Zhi Dao” had been formerly transcribed as “ze fu.” The first word had also been regarded as a literal of “pi.” By comparison with the latest published Chu Bamboo Slips of the Warring States period, it is certain that “pi” is a variant of “pi.” The phrase “pi fu” means “plebs.”
Lastly, “pi ren,” found in “Zun De Yi,” is a hewen. The character “pi” looks very similar to “suo.” According to the word form and the meaning of the character, “pi” is presumed as a literal of “pi.” The phrase “pi ren” has the same meaning as “pi fu,” which means “plebs.”


郭店竹簡 無必 匹夫 匹人 古文字考釋

Guodian Bamboo Slips, wu bi, pi fu, pi ren, verifications of ancient Chinese characters




Kwok Wa Yuen, “Verifications of Some Guodian Bamboo Slips Characters which Comprise the Radical of bi, and Some Related-terms,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 74.8 (2003): 17-33.

2003 〈郭店楚墓竹簡從「匕」諸字及相關詞語考釋〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》74.8:17-33。
Wa, Kwok
2003 “Verifications of Some Guodian Bamboo Slips Characters which Comprise the Radical of bi, and Some Related-terms.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 74.8: 17-33.
袁國華. (2003). 郭店楚墓竹簡從「匕」諸字及相關詞語考釋. 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, 74(8), 17-33.

Wa, Kwok. (2003). Verifications of Some Guodian Bamboo Slips Characters which Comprise the Radical of bi, and Some Related-terms. Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 74(8), 17-33.
袁國華. “郭店楚墓竹簡從「匕」諸字及相關詞語考釋.” 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 74, no. 8 (2003): 17-33.

Wa, Kwok. “Verifications of Some Guodian Bamboo Slips Characters which Comprise the Radical of bi, and Some Related-terms.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 74, no. 8 (2003): 17-33.
袁國華. “郭店楚墓竹簡從「匕」諸字及相關詞語考釋.” 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, vol. 74, no. 8, 2003, pp. 17-33.

Wa, Kwok. “Verifications of Some Guodian Bamboo Slips Characters which Comprise the Radical of bi, and Some Related-terms.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, vol. 74, no. 8, 2003, pp. 17-33.


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