隨著戰國文字研究的深入,對傳鈔古文的研究也愈來愈引起學者的重視。有學者運用傳鈔古文來考釋古文字;也有學者運用出土古文字資料來疏證傳鈔古文。二者均成果卓著。 本文旨在將傳鈔《老子》古文彙為一篇與出土郭店楚簡《老子》及其它古文字資料對照,證明一個事實,即傳鈔《老子》古文不僅來源有據,而且相當可靠。
Following advances in our knowledge of Warring States scripts, interest has been steadily growing in studies of traditionally received versions of ancient texts. Some scholars have used traditionally received versions of ancient texts to explicate ancient scripts, while others have used recently excavated manuscripts to examine traditionally received versions. Both methods have proven successful. In this paper we compare the traditionally received version of Laozi with the version excavated at Guodian, on bamboo strips in Chu script, and other data concerning ancient scripts. The comparison proves that the received version of Laozi is not only close to the original source but is also a very reliable witness.
老子 傳鈔古文 輯證
Laozi, traditionally transmitted ancient texts, collation and verification