The original sequence of the Zouyanshu (奏讞書) E-group scroll is well preserved as a whole, and the disorder of a few slips is caused by human error. Part two should be arranged after part four, and part nineteen after part twenty. All I-group slips of Zouyanshu were came from the right side of the E-group scroll. Part eighteen is a document to submit zou dang (奏當) text, which consists of the main text and two annexes. The zou dang text, which records sentencing proposals for prison cases, is the first annexe. The bu (簿) text, which records relevant working information for assessment, is the second annexe. The bu text is ordered after the zou dang text. Slip 155 should immediately precede slip 157 to constitute an integral part of the zou dang text named ju (鞫). Slip 156 should be arranged between slip 133 and 134, constituting the ci (辭) of the junshou (郡守) and junwei (郡尉) of Cangwu commandery.
《奏讞書》 卷冊復原 出土資訊 文書結構
Zouyanshu, reconstruction of the scroll, excavated information, structure of the document