

從基於親屬的政府到官僚的政府——殷周變革的一個重要面向 From Kin-Based Government to Bureaucratic Government: An Important Aspect of the Shang-Zhou Revolution

  • 作  者:

    黃銘崇 Ming-chorng Hwang

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The author believes that clan structure was the foundation of the ruling mechanism in the Shang state. All political power was held by the royal clan, and clans segmented from the royal clan. Clanship of the Shang was a complicated kinship system, thus the Shang ruling mechanism could be defined as a kin-based government.
On the contrary, as Li Feng has argued, the Western Zhou moved towards a bureaucratic government. The author agrees with Li’s argument and further argues that the bureaucratic system in the early Western Zhou showed different features in Zongzhou of Shaanxi and Chengzhou of Henan. Chengzhou was located in a newly developed area and had a newly planned and relatively well-organized government system. The blueprint of the government structure in Chengzhou may have been the ideal government structure formulated in the late Shang period to strengthen the power of the Shang king and reform the clan system. At that time, however, it could not be carried out, due to opposition from the overwhelmingly powerful clans. Zongzhou of the early Western Zhou also housed many powerful clans, and therefore the new government structure likewise could not be carried out fully. Secondly, the Chengzhou government, despite being well-structured, was not a complete one, as many governmental institutions, such as Da zhu (the Grand Shaman), Da shi (the Grand Historian), Gong zu (Office of the Clansmen), Xiao zi (Office of the Junior Aristocratics), Shi shi (Office of the Army), Hu ben (the Tiger Guardian of the King), only existed in Zongzhou, where the Zhou king actually resided.
This paper argues that a main reason why the Western Zhou moved towards a bureaucratic government was because many former aristocrats from the Shang dynasty were hired to serve as mid- and low-rank government officials. As the assessment of their performance could no longer be determined by their bloodlines, a new set of assessment standards based on merits and their specializations was developed. This brought about the bureaucratic system, and brought the government from a kin-based government to a bureaucratic one.


商代 西周 基於親屬的政府 官僚的政府

Shang dynasty, Western Zhou, kin-based government, bureaucratic government




Ming-chorng Hwang, “From Kin-Based Government to Bureaucratic Government: An Important Aspect of the Shang-Zhou Revolution,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 89.2 (2018): 279-338.

2018 〈從基於親屬的政府到官僚的政府——殷周變革的一個重要面向〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》89.2:279-338。
Hwang, Ming-chorng
2018 “From Kin-Based Government to Bureaucratic Government: An Important Aspect of the Shang-Zhou Revolution.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 89.2: 279-338.
黃銘崇. (2018). 從基於親屬的政府到官僚的政府——殷周變革的一個重要面向. 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, 89(2), 279-338.

Hwang, Ming-chorng. (2018). From Kin-Based Government to Bureaucratic Government: An Important Aspect of the Shang-Zhou Revolution. Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 89(2), 279-338.
黃銘崇. “從基於親屬的政府到官僚的政府——殷周變革的一個重要面向.” 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 89, no. 2 (2018): 279-338.

Hwang, Ming-chorng. “From Kin-Based Government to Bureaucratic Government: An Important Aspect of the Shang-Zhou Revolution.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 89, no. 2 (2018): 279-338.
黃銘崇. “從基於親屬的政府到官僚的政府——殷周變革的一個重要面向.” 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, vol. 89, no. 2, 2018, pp. 279-338.

Hwang, Ming-chorng. “From Kin-Based Government to Bureaucratic Government: An Important Aspect of the Shang-Zhou Revolution.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, vol. 89, no. 2, 2018, pp. 279-338.


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