古文字中有一個舊釋為「叀」字異體之字,又有一個從「力」從此字之字,本文分別用字母a、b表示。其中b跟傳世文獻「助」字對應,研究者以為b是「助」字異體,a是一個跟「助」音近之字。通過對辭書和文獻的分析,本文指出上古漢語存在一個表示助義的常用詞「 」,由於秦漢以後這個意義的常用詞變換為「助」,遂致其字在傳世先秦文獻中或訛誤為「惠」,或被替換為「助」。因此,跟b對應的「助」字其實原本應作「 」。據此,本文認為b應為「 」字異體。從字形、字音和字義三個方面考慮,a應為「鹵」字的原始寫法,在出土文獻中以音近借用為「 」。
This paper focuses on two characters in ancient Chinese writing. One, hereafter referred to as a, was formerly misinterpreted as a variant of the character hui (叀), and the other, hereafter referred to as b, consisted of a and li (力). As b corresponded to the character zhu (助) in many ancient texts, many researchers thus thought that b was a variant form of zhu, while a was a word of similar sound to zhu and could be used interchangeably with it. After a careful analysis of dictionaries and relevant literature, this paper points out that there was a common word, lü (□), which had the same meaning as zhu. Because the latter character gradually became the dominant word from the Qin-Han period on, therefore in transmitted pre-Qin sources lü was often replaced by zhu, or mistaken as hui (惠). Therefore, in fact, the character that corresponds to b in the ancient texts should have been lü. In view of the above, this paper holds that b is in fact a variant form of lü. Meanwhile, noting its grapheme, pronunciation and meaning, a should have been the original way of writing lu (鹵), and in the unearthed documents, it was used as lü because of similar pronunciation.
□ 助 鹵 常用詞變換 文字替換
lü (□), zhu (助), lu (鹵), changes of common words, replacement of characters