《上博九•舉治王天下》卷,共抄錄五篇政治思想類文獻。整理者將簡4至簡21墨節上的內容認定為第二篇,並將篇題擬作「文王訪之於尚父舉治」。今依第二篇簡文實際情況,建議將篇題更名為「文王命子訪尚父」,而將其簡序重新調整如下:疑有缺簡∕簡11∕《成王既邦》簡16+〈文王訪於尚父〉簡9+7∕疑有缺簡∕簡4∕簡28+10∕疑有缺簡∕簡5+6+《成王既邦》簡9∕簡16+17+14∕簡19+15+18∕簡13+21。本論文也致力於通釋第二篇簡文,並特別針對簡5-7「我」、「 」二字,簡17「 」、簡17「三 」、簡17「光」、簡14「 」、簡14「 」、簡14「訧」、簡13「分 」、簡21「潛」、簡21「 」以及《成王既邦》簡9「 市明之惪」等疑難詞語進行攻堅,嘗試提出新的釋讀意見。
The Juzhiwangtianxia chapter from the 9th volume of the Shanghai Museum Corpus is a collection of five pieces of essay that are related to political thoughts. This article is a text analysis of the bamboo slips that are deemed to be the 2nd essay from this chapter, and mainly, it is done by rearranging the order of the slips and interpreting the text in full. An emphasis is placed on the discussion of some problematic characters and terms in an attempt to offer some new insights.
上博楚簡 舉治王天下 周文王 尚父 成王既邦
Shanghai Museum bamboo slips, Juzhiwangtianxia, King Wen of Zhou, Shangfu, Chengwangjibang