成化《廣州志》中記載至成化年間 (1465-1487) 在廣州各縣仍存在的自唐代以來已建成的道觀有四所、道堂有四所,而創建於兩宋三百年間的新道觀有七所、道堂十五所、道院一所。其中所收錄的民間修建道院和道堂的資料,有力地說明:雖然宋代政府一般是通過「繫籍」和「賜額」的制度,來規管和承認各地道觀的合法性存在;但是,在宋代民間社會,不僅多有未獲朝廷頒發廟額的私建道觀存在,並且,由於道教日漸深入民間,縣鄉普通民眾對道教神明的奉祀,也愈來愈普及化和地方化,以致宋代民間興建的規模較小的道院和道堂不斷湧現,而實際的數字不會是一個小數目。因此,我們不能只從國家賜額與否的官方立場和政策,去掌握宋代地方民間私建道教廟宇之風。
This article takes the area of Guangzhou during the Song dynasty (960-1279) as a case study for an examination of the development of Daoism during this period. The history of the Daoist temples, altars and monasteries is investigated in the city of Guangzhou and its eight counties with regard to the development of the economy and population of the Pearl River Delta region during the Song era.
Based mainly on the Guangzhou Gazetteer Guangzhou zhi (廣州志) dated from the Ming dynasty Chenghua (成化) period (1465-1487), we find that during the Chenghua era there existed four Daoist temples and four Daoist altars preserved from the Tang dynasty in the various counties of Guangzhou. Furthermore, new Daoist sites were built during the Song period, including seven temples, fifteen altars and one monastery.
The article examines Guangzhou and its eight counties in relation to the economy, population and overall development of the area, thus providing a deeper understanding of the dissemination of the worship of Daoist deities in local society. It was not only through the granting of titles and government authorization that such beliefs developed. Rather, local society also took on an active role by establishing privately owned Daoist places of worship.
The Chenghua Guangzhou zhi documents details of the Daoist temples, altars and monasteries of Guangzhou and its eight counties from the Song until the Ming dynasty. It is generally believed that the management and construction of Daoist buildings were only carried out according to the official process of granting titles and legitimacy by the Song government. The article, however, demonstrates that some temples existed without the approval of the court and were built privately. This shows the popularization of Daoism among the local population. And, the actual number of locally built Daoist temples should not be underestimated.
The analysis of a locality far away from the central government provides a glimpse into the development of Daoism in Guangzhou in a period that saw the emperors of the Song venerating Daoism and pushing people toward virtue using the treat of final retribution. This paper may serve as an indicator of the local development of the economy, population and urbanization; as well as the basis for further analysis such as a comparison with the development of Buddhist or popular local temples.
廣州道教 宋代道教 道觀和道堂 宋代廣州城 成化《廣州志》
Guangzhou Daoism, Song dynasty Daoism, Daoist temples and altars, Song dynasty Guangzhou city, Chenghua Guangzhou zhi