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作者、編者、剽竊者:從《晰微補化全書》看醫書的抄輯與作者身分 Compiler, Plagiarist, and Author: Claiming Authorship in Chinese Medical Texts


本文以清初王凱的《晰微補化全書》「剽竊」郭志邃的《痧脹玉衡全書》之個案,討論醫書的「剽竊者」如何透過版式、附屬文本 (paratext),製造閱讀效果,建構作者身分 (authorship)。中文「剽竊」的同義詞有「剽賊」、「抄襲」、「剽襲」、「襲蹈」、「剽略」、「剽剟」等,原意為「打刦人口或財物」的強盜行為,而後方用於比喻竊取詩文。剽竊乃是作者身分的偷樑換柱,以他人的名字取代原作者,從而獲取原作者所應獲得的有形或無形的聲望和利益。本文從醫案和方藥分析王凱的剽竊手法,因此二者為醫家治驗之心得,是醫家作者身分的聲音;最能彰顯如何經由改編,篡奪作者身分。

Using the case of Wang Kai’s 王凱 Xiwei buhua quanshu 晰微補化全書 (The complete book of illuminating subtlety and supplementing transformation), which plagiarized Guo Zhisui’s 郭志邃 Shazhang yuheng 痧脹玉衡 (Jade measurement of sha distention), this paper examines how authorship was claimed in Chinese medical texts. Plagiarism is a means of textual production, the discovery of which is subject to the reader, whose tolerance of it varies depending on personal taste as well as genre and the circulation of the original text. Regardless of how plagiarism is defined by the reader, it is characterized by a displacement of authorship; the plagiarist has become the author and assumes his/her voice to speak in the text. To reveal Wang Kai’s sleight of hand, this paper compares medical cases and prescriptions in which the voice in the texts speaks for the physician’s own personal knowledge and experience, and is therefore inherently a claim of authorship. By revising and rearranging these two parts, Wang supplants Guo’s status as an author. 
It is through the act of publishing that plagiarism in this case becomes apparent. How the two authors claim authorship and imprint their voices by the layout of the texts constitutes the second part of this investigation. I conclude that Guo Zhisui’s authorship largely relied on his local social network. Specifically, he took ownership of the text by mobilizing local gentry, many of whom were his clients, to participate in the formation of the text in which these local figures played different roles as nominal collators, authors of prefaces, discussants of their cases, and informants of the nature of the special sha disease and ways of treating it. In contrast, Wang Kai located his authorship in a lineage of eminent physicians from ancient times to the present, and presented himself as one of the members of this lineage. He also concealed the medical knowledge and skill that he acquired from Guo’s text by claiming secret transmission through a single thread to ascertain the efficacy of his therapies and win the trust of his readers because secret transmission often depended on the moral character of the receiver. By studying plagiarism as a form of textual production, this paper contributes to a new understanding of the phenomenon of recycling texts often found in Chinese medicine in which the text is situated within the complicated culture of textual design, including adding paratext, arranging the textual flows, prefacing and collating the texts, all while maintaining the original relatively intact. I also reveal the significance of mobilizing the local social network, within which the author occupied the key node. It was by means of this network that he was publicly recognized as the author of a certain text.


書籍史 剽竊 痧 王凱 郭志邃

plagiarism, book history, authorship, Chinese medicine




Pingyi Chu, “Compiler, Plagiarist, and Author: Claiming Authorship in Chinese Medical Texts,” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 92.3 (2021): 561-602.

2021 〈作者、編者、剽竊者:從《晰微補化全書》看醫書的抄輯與作者身分〉,《中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊》92.3:561-602。
Chu, Pingyi
2021 “Compiler, Plagiarist, and Author: Claiming Authorship in Chinese Medical Texts.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 92.3: 561-602.
祝平一. (2021). 作者、編者、剽竊者:從《晰微補化全書》看醫書的抄輯與作者身分. 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, 92(3), 561-602.

Chu, Pingyi. (2021). Compiler, Plagiarist, and Author: Claiming Authorship in Chinese Medical Texts. Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 92(3), 561-602.
祝平一. “作者、編者、剽竊者:從《晰微補化全書》看醫書的抄輯與作者身分.” 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊 92, no. 3 (2021): 561-602.

Chu, Pingyi. “Compiler, Plagiarist, and Author: Claiming Authorship in Chinese Medical Texts.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 92, no. 3 (2021): 561-602.
祝平一. “作者、編者、剽竊者:從《晰微補化全書》看醫書的抄輯與作者身分.” 中央研究院歷史語言研究所集刊, vol. 92, no. 3, 2021, pp. 561-602.

Chu, Pingyi. “Compiler, Plagiarist, and Author: Claiming Authorship in Chinese Medical Texts.” Bulletin of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, vol. 92, no. 3, 2021, pp. 561-602.


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