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Journal for Legal History Studies
On the Function of Disputes Resolution by Clan During Qing Dynasty
On Link-up of The Great Qing Code and The Codes (zeli) of the Ministries in the Qing Dynasty
The Promulgation of The Great Qing Code in 1743
Life is dear, the tael is dearer: A Study on Displacing the Murderer in Homicide Cases in the Qing Dynasty
Human Nature, Ethical Reasoning and Legal Principle: The Past and Present of the Immunity of Mutual Concealment among Relatives
Knowledge Transition and State Innovation: Zhang Junmai’s Study on the Transformation of Representative System in Europe, 1919-1921
Review on the text-research on the Xingfa Zhi
A Legal Scholar: Wang Shih-chieh’s Academic Thought
The Principles and the Structure of Qing's Legal Order: A Comment on Rights and Injustice: Collected Works on the Chinese Legal History of Terada Hiroaki