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Journal for Legal History Studies
Not a Contractual Engagement: The Doctrinal Chasm between the Social Contract and the Three Simple Rules Reached (Yue Fa San Zhang) upon the Demise of Qin
Benign Affection and Imposed Seclusion: On the Construction of the Royal Prison and Long-term Imprisonment of Imperial Clansmen in the Ming Dynasty
A Study of the Court Assize Procedure in the Ming Dynasty
Observe the Law’s Intention and Be in Tune with Popular: The Legal Career of Qing-Dynasty Magistrate Qiu Huang
Police, Community Leaders, Gentry and the Magistrate near Mudong Town in Baxian: The Complex Structure of Basic Sub-County Governance in the Qing Dynasty
Presidential Administration or Responsible Cabinet? The Positioning of Executive Power in the Constitutional Movement during the Period of National Government
Local Government and Society as Seen from Official Handbooks of Imperial China: A Critical Review of Pierre-Étienne Will’s Handbooks and Anthologies for Officials in Imperial China: A Descriptive and Critical Bibliography
Reconsidering the “Person Who Formulates the Plan but Does Not Commit the Criminal Act” in the Qing Code: Reflecting on the Theory of Complicity in Chinese Legal History
Seventy Years after the New Policies Reform: Rethinking the History of Justice from Shen Jiaben to Xie Guansheng (1901-1971)
“Resolving Civil Disputes by Criminal Law” and the Conflict in Legal Cultures: The Phenomenon of False Property Crimes in Modern Taiwan
Jurist Zhang Yipeng's Life, Writings, and His Judicial Practice
Review of Kim Taik-min's General Provisions of Tang Code and Individual Provisions of Tang Code (2 volumes)
On Fei-hsien Wang's Pirates and Publishers: A Social History of Copyright in Modern China