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Journal for Legal History Studies
Becoming Buddhists, Committing Crimes and Making Contracts: An Initial Research on the Leagal Facts of Buddhists between the First Century and the Sixth Century
A Study on Divorcing and Abandoning Wife—Focusing on Chi-Chu and Yi-Chueh in Statutes of T'ang Dynasty
How Wrongs happened in Cuo Zhan CuiNing
Tian-Li in the Judgements of Magistrates in Qing: Focus on the Legal Cases Connected to Women's Chastity
The Research Trend of "Historical Studies of Law" in the College of Liberal Arts in the Universities of Taiwan in the Last Fifty Years(1964-2009): As Seen in the Case of M.A and Ph.D. Theses
A Norm Perspective on the Studies of Qing Legal History
The Chinese Repository and Chinese Criminal Law in the Minds of Westerners of the 19th Century
When West Wind Came to East Land: A Review on Su's "Chinese Laws Applied by the Western"
Eulogizing "Tang Codes"—Hsu Dau-Lin and His German Research Methods in Jurisprudence