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Journal for Legal History Studies
Discussion on the‘Time’ in the Tang Code
Cross boundaries, crime in passion and legal order: Laws and social issues in the Taiwan frontier during Emperor Qianlong’s ruling
Legal Normative Analysis on the LegalOrder of Foreign Activities in Qing Dynasty: Focusing on Qianlong Period
The Great Qing Code•Criminal Law•Fights and the Imagination of Harmonious Orders: The Debt Disputes and Violence among Immigrants in Areas of Sichuan, Shanxi and Hubei in 19-Century China
The Negative Influence of Legal Modernization on Women── Take the widow’s rights in Inheritance case as an example
Ius est ars boni et aequi: A texual research on a Roman legal maxim
Comparative Law in Mittermaier's “Kritische Zeitschrift für Rechtswissenschaft und Gesetzgebung des Anslandes” (1829-1856)
Comment on the Research on Oriental Legal History by Michisaburo Miyazaki