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Journal for Legal History Studies
Chinese World Order under Heaven and the so-called "the Law under Heaven" —the case of Sino-Northeast Asian Relationship during the Sui-Tang Dynasties
The Actual Life of Tang Zhong-you and the Evaluation: A Comparison with the Local Government Described in Qingmingji
China Law "can't See China": Ju Zheng and Legal Reformations in 1930s
Compendium of the Death Penaltyin Pre-Modern China
The Further Study of the Final Jurisdiction power in Tibet during the Qing Dynasty
The Impact of Legal History Studies Conducted by Professor Dai Yen-Huei on the Legal Regime: Revisit of Research Method of Legal History
The Heritage over the past Fifty Years: Study on the Master's and PhD Theses of the Legal History from the Schools of Law in Taiwan
From the Moment to Eternity: The Academic Theory and Era of Yang Hong-Lie