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Journal for Legal History Studies
Research on the Origin of the Tang Code: Statutes on Household and Marriage from Bamboo and Wooden Slip Documents
The Coordination between Amnesties and the Administrative Law System in the Tang Dynasty
Putting "Commercial Law" into the Chinese Context: Legal Critique and Legal Reasoning in Seventeenth-Century China
Regulations on Selling with Recourse under Qing Law and the Practice of Selling with Recourse in Qing Society
Dong Kang and the Legal Reform in Modern China
Relying on the Clan to Reason and Preserve the Clan Friendship: the Resolution of Civil Disputates within the Clan—The Case of the Wang Clan's Mutual Accusations Concerning Shop Room in Hong Village, Yi County During the Guangxu Period of the Qing Dynasty
A Remarkable Example of Research on the "Dan-Xin Archives": An Initial Reading of Tai Yan- Hui's "Rural Government in Taiwan During the Qing Dynasty" with Select Excerpts and Postscrip
Crisis, Challenge, and Future Prospects: The Dilemma of "Marginalization" in Research on Chinese Legal History—The Example of Mainland China
Review of Qu Chaoli's The Judicial Authority of the Local Government in Managing Civil Affairs during the Song Dynasty
The Decipherment and Historical Value of Contracts: A Review of Ing-Hai Pan's Collections of Land Leases of Taokas, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica