Notice on Article Submission
- The journal was initially issued in 2000 and published once a year. In 2004, however, it began to be twice a year with one volume issued in June and December respectively. From 2020, it will revert from semi-annual to annual publication, and a single issue will be published each December.
- The journal specializes in the study of legal history.
- Typically, submitted articles are in Chinese. If your submission is written in another language, please kindly enclose a Chinese abstract. If an article has been translated, please enclose the original text(s) or notes on its origins, plus notes and analytical discussion; the length of the article should be similar to that of Chinese articles.
Please do not send articles that have been previously published. Once a submission has been published in this journal, all listed authors agree that this journal holds a non-exclusive license; authorize the journal to publish the submission electronically and to sublicense to “databases authorized by this journal,” allowing such databases to reproduce the material digitally, and allowing authorized users the right to conduct data retrieval, comparison and checking, browsing, downloading, printing, etc. through stand-alone, online or other types of transmission methods . Prior to publication of the submitted work, the author(s) should provide written copyright authorization to the Editorial Department of this journal. - Submission should follow the stylesheet of this journal (〈《法制史研究》撰稿格式〉); two titles, one in Chinese and one in English should also be provided. Please provide five keywords in Chinese and English respectively; Chinese and English abstracts of about 500 words each; and a list of references at the end of the article. For research articles and reviews of the scholarly literature, citations are required and should be in the form of footnotes; a list of references should also be appended. If the submission is a book review of a Chinese book, please enclose the English translation of the author’s name and the book title.
- All submitted articles should be typed horizontally from the left on a computer, or written out on 600-character paper. For Chinese articles, a length of about 20,000 characters is suitable. For an article in another language, a length of about 15 to 30 pages is suitable. Other kinds of Chinese manuscripts are expected to be within 10,000 characters; and those written in a foreign language, within 15 pages.
- All submitted articles are initially reviewed by the editing committee of the journal (just a formality), and then passed to two professional scholars for further review. After receiving comments from the scholars, the editing committee will discuss whether to accept the submitted article.
The names of authors and reviewing scholars are kept strictly confidential, and authors will be soon informed about the reviewing results.
Articles which are not accepted will not be returned to authors;therefore, original manuscripts should well be kept by authors themselves. - The journal is not responsible for copyright issues pertaining to submitted articles, including figures, tables and long citations. If necessary, authors need to obtain prior consent for reproduction from the relevant copyright holder(s).
- The journal is a purely scholarly publication; therefore, we do not pay any fees to the authors of published articles. Instead, the author is presented with two copies of the volume in which the author’s article appears.
- The journal typeset by computer; therefore, all submitted articles should be accompanied with a CD-ROM together by using MS-Word 2007 or above, or other plain text files. Special character sets or complex editing tools should be avoided. Please write down the name and version of any software used.
- The Chinese and English names of the author(s), highest degree obtained, the name of the institution with which the author is affiliated and the author’s position, postal address, telephone number, and e-mail should be provided in the submission.
Editing Department, Journal for Legal History Studies
P.O. Box 52 Taipei Gongguan, Taipei City 10699, Taiwan ( R.O.C.)