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Journal for Legal History Studies
The Parent King; Any Offspring? On the Progress and Limits of Classical Constitutionalism in Pre-Qin Confucianism(Part II)
The Abscondence Cases of Qin and Han Dynasty Collected in Zou Yan Shu
The spirits of law, rhetoric and logic in Tang Dynasty verdict words: Some investigation focus on the phylum of the criminal verdict words in “Wen Yuan Ying Hua”
Harmony between the Qing (情) and Zui (罪): Discussion on Some Cases of "Disobedience of Parental Teaching and Order by Descendants" in Many Important Collections of Criminal Cases
The Political Identification of hanjian in the 18th Century: An Invisible Judicial Figure
The characteristics of traditional Chinese law: Codex, Legal Value and the trial system in Comparative Perspective
Classification Research On The Ming and Qing Dynasties Private Contracts of Huizhou
The Fabrication of Law-Abiding Citizens: Legal Iconologist Reflections on Taiwan Legal Education in Post-WWII Elementary and Secondary Schools
Wang Jibao and His Minguo Sifazhi
What kind of law do we need? The reflection on Chinese Modern law of Cai Shuheng