Through the existing archives of The Great Qing Code, we couldclarify that The Great Qing Code’s details and process of compilation, writing-out, print, and publication during the period of 1736 to 1743. Bydoing so, we could correct some misconceptions of The Great Qing Code. The preconceived idea of The Great Qing Code is to be issued all over the country at 1741. However, the actual compiling process of The Great Qing Code should be at 1741. And the accomplishment of writing-out of The Great Qing Code should be at 1742. At 1743, the printingprocess of The Great Qing Code was fulfilled. Througu the transmission of The Great Qing Code from stratum to stratum, The Great Qing Code was popular throughout the country in a year.
After clarifing this topic, we could propose the possible answer about the dispute of the YongZhengLu (雍正律), and point out the actual issuing time of official printed books might not be compatible with the record in the official records.
The Great Qing Code, promulgation of code in Qing Dynasty, Qing legal system, legal history in Qing Dynasty
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