Tang Dynasty’s law is a representative code in Chinese Legal System. However, so far there are still many unsolved questions on Tang’s law in academia. Since the twentieth century, a lot of Tang Dynasty’s law and legal archives were discovered in Dunhuang and Turpan in the northwest of China, which provided us new information for further research on Tang Dynasty Law style. Through studying, I believe that since Emperor Gaozong promulgated Yonghui Lushu in Tang Yonghui 4th year, Tang Dynasty kept Lv and Shuyi these two patterns all the time; compared the extant Tanglv Shuyi and the fragment of Lvshu published in Kaiyuan 25th year discovered in Dunhuang and Turpan, there are many differences between them. The extant Tanglv Shuyi and Kaiyuan 25th Shuyi are not in the same blueprint system; the written pattern of the fragment of Dunhuang Writs 3690th enshrined in French National Library is quite special and very similar with Japan Yanglao Statute fragment’s written pattern, according to this evidence these two laws should be in the same prototype system.
Duanhuang Turpan Writs、Tanglv Shuyi、Yanglao Statute
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