This article investigates and analyzes the scene, function of “quoting Confucian Classics into Law” in “Tang Ley Su Yi”. The texts are analyzed and explored through contextual conditions, and the quote functions are also interpreted. Firstly, 141 samples are extracted through of the determination: the Period of editing, the range of Confucian Classics, the scene of quoting Confucian Classics into Tang Ley Su Yi. These samples cite 11 Confucian Classics including “the Book of Changes”, “Shang Shu”, “the Book of Songs”, “Zuo zhuan”, “Gongyang Zhuan”, “Guliang Zhuan”, “Zhou Li”, “Yi Li”, “Li Ji”, “Analects”, “Yu Chunxis”. Secondly, the functions of “Tang Ley Su Yi” applying every Confucian Classics are also expressed. Thirdly, the article would provide complete documentation of all legal reference of Confucian Classics in “Tang Ley Su Yi” and for interdisciplinary studies in the history of Classics, history of law, history of philosophy, and legal culture of East Asia.
Confucian Classics, “Tang Ley Su Yi”, Quoting Confucian Classics into Law
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