In 1905, the Qing government declared to support constitutionalism. In 1908, the Qing government enacted the preparations list of constitutionalism, and the major policy of education was establishing Simple Literacy Schools to improve literacy rate. The Ministry of Education of Qing government (學部) enacted the Simple Literacy Schools System in 1909, which enacted all the details of establishing Simple Literacy Schools and enacted that Simple Literacy Schools were auxiliary of Elementary Education. Since the Simple Literacy Schools were increased greatly, the problem that the curriculum in Simple Literacy Schools was similar to that in Simple Class of Junior Elementary School System was appeared. After The Ministry of Education of Qing government (學部) revised the Junior Elementary School System twice and delated the Simple Class, the Simple Literacy Schools System was readjusted in 1911. However, since then local officials had paid too much attention on establishing Simple Literacy Schools instead of Elementary Schools under the Junior Elementary School System. Finally in 1911, The Ministry of Education of Qing government (學部) enacted that only adult who was deprived of education can study in Simple Literacy Schools, and transformed the Simple Literacy Schools into social education institution.
Simple Literacy Schools, Constitutionalism, The Ministry of Education of Qing government (學部, XueBu), Elementary Education, Simple Class in Junior Elementary School
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