Douglas Skonicki, “Getting It for Oneself: An Analysis of Chao Jiong’s Conception of the Three Teachings and His Method of Self-Cultivation,” Asia Major 28 (2015): 77-108.
Skonicki, Douglas
2015 “Getting It for Oneself: An Analysis of Chao Jiong’s Conception of the Three Teachings and His Method of Self-Cultivation.” Asia Major 28: 77-108.
Skonicki, Douglas. (2015). Getting It for Oneself: An Analysis of Chao Jiong’s Conception of the Three Teachings and His Method of Self-Cultivation. Asia Major, 28, 77-108.
Skonicki, Douglas. “Getting It for Oneself: An Analysis of Chao Jiong’s Conception of the Three Teachings and His Method of Self-Cultivation.” Asia Major, no. 28 (2015): 77-108.
Skonicki, Douglas. “Getting It for Oneself: An Analysis of Chao Jiong’s Conception of the Three Teachings and His Method of Self-Cultivation.” Asia Major, no. 28, 2015, pp. 77-108.