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Asia Major


Asia Major welcomes submittals in all fields of Chinese studies, including history, literature, philosophy and law from all periods of Chinese history. After preliminary screening by the Editor, manuscripts are sent out to at least one member of the editorial board and to an outside referee for review. Reviews by outside referees are anonymous.

Submittal requirements:

Upper limit is about 65 pages. Both main text and notes must be double-spaced. All citations must be complete, and all text complete. Manuscripts may be submitted as e-mail attachment or as hard-copy. Please include an abstract of your manuscript and a cover letter with your postal address, e-mail address, and affiliation, but make sure that your name does not appear in the manuscript itself.

Submittal requests:

Include Chinese (traditional form) and Japanese directly in the text. With various exceptions (see style sheet), we require the Pinyin system for transliteration. Full publication data are required at the first citation of a work; thereafter short titles may be used. Frequently cited sources may be given acronymic abbreviations; please supply a list. Asia Major uses standard abbreviations of journals, as listed in the style sheet.

Although we may reject as per submittal requirements (above), we do not expect submittals to conform fully to our style sheet. Please submit your manuscript and cover letter to: amajor@mail.ihp.sinica.edu.tw or send text and cover letter, both in triplicate, to:

Editor, Asia Major
Institute of History Philology, Academia Sinica
Nankang, Taipei 11529

The Editor can be reached at:
