Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
List of Publications by Professor W. Simon
B. Schindler
K. P. K. Whitaker
P. D. Hanan
W. B. Henning
Mineral Imagery in the Paradise Poems of Kuan-hsiu
Edward H. Schafer
The Prosody of the Sao 騷 Poems in the Ch'u Tz'u 楚辭
A. C. Graham
Some Recent editions of the Ch'ien Han-shu
M. A. N. Loew
On Mencius' Use of the Method of Analogy in Argument
D. C. Lau
W. B. Henning
An Interpretation of the Vowel Systems of Old Chinese and of Written Burmese
E. G. Pulleyblank
A Provisional Sketch of Sizang (Siyin) Chin
Th. Stern
Thai Narrative Poetry: Palace and Provincial Texts of an Episode from "Khun Chang Khun Phaen"
E. H. S. Simmonds