Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica
Congratulatory Address to B. Schindler
A Parthian Com-legend on a Chinese Bronze
O. Maenchen-Helfen
Functions and Meanings of Erh. Part II
Walter Simon
Grammatical Notes I: 否 fou, 矧 shen and 尚 shang
B. Schindler
Could the Mongol Emperors read and write Chinese?
H. Franke
The Rise of the Eunuchs in the T'ang Dynasty. Part II
J. K. Rideout
Relics of the Monk Sakugen's visits to China 1539-1541 and 1547-1550
A. C. Moule
The Oi River Poems and Preface
E. B. Ceadel
Miscellaneous Communications: Published works of the Late Professor Gustav Haloun
Congratulatory Address to A.C. Moule
Editor and Coeditors
Functions and Meanings of Erh, Part III
Walter Simon
W. Liebenthal
Eduard Erkes
H. H. Dubs
B. Schindler
The Cultural and Historical Position of the Mongols
Lawrence Krader
The Compendium of the Doctrins and Styles of the Teaching of Mani, the Buddha of Light
G. Haloun and W. B. Henning
Far eastern Collections in Libraries in Great Britain, France, Holland and Germany
E. B. Ceadel
Concerning Fragment Stein Br. Mus. Toy. 046
B. Schindler