

中華民國法制史研究會經緯──資料的整理與介紹 On the workshop for studying the legislation of the Republic of China (Chuka Minkoku Hosei Kenkyukai)

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    西英昭 Nishi Hideaki

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「中華民國法制研究會」是1930年代左右,根據村上貞 吉和松本烝治的建議而成立的,這個研究會集合了當時東京 帝國大學法學部在職的教授、助教授──包括我妻榮、田中 耕太郎、小野清一郎等著名學者,研究會的活動主要是翻譯 中華民國重要法令,並加以註釋和評論,至1945年,該會出版了大量的研究成果。

該會的主要收入是外務省對支文化事業部的補助金,以 及企業及財團的補助,該會成立時,成立宗旨定為翻譯中華 民國各種重要法令,並加以註釋與評論,並將研究成果出版,以期向日本人介紹中華民國的法律制度,並促進日中的學術交流。

後來,該會的活動引起了中國國內的許多反響,甚至有可能對中華民國的立法過程發生影響,1938年,該會計劃對 中華民國租界制度、保甲制度、內河航行權進行新研究。

1939年,研究會成為興亞院的下屬單位,後來,1942 年,該會成為大東亞省的下屬單位,由於沒有相關紀錄,不 可能追尋這段時間研究會的詳細內容,但是,該會已然完成 了一些出版品的草稿,而且還有許多未完成的研究計畫。但 隨著戰爭的結束,該會的組織自然解體了。

A workshop for studying the legislation of the Republic of China (Chuka Minkoku Hosei Kenkyukai) was established  by Teikichi  Murakami  and  Joji  Matsumoto around 1930. The members of the workshop  consisted mainly of young professors and associate professors of the Faculty of Law at Tokyo Imperial University, including Sakae Wagatsumk,  Kotaro Tanaka, and Seiichiro Ono. The workshop mainly did  the translation-and- annotation work of each regulation  of the ROC, and published  a vast quantity of books until 1945.

The workshop  received subsidies from the Chinese Cultural Affairs Department, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as  working funds, and also received  financial support  from some Zaibatsu (financial conglomerates).  According to the memoranda  of the workshop, they  did  the  translation and annotation work  of important statutes and gave expert criticisms of  them, and sometimes investigated  the history of the legislations. They also published  many books, made academic exchanges between China and Japan, and offered legal information to concerned persons.

Their activity soon attracted  great publicity in China. They were also know among the legislation  authorities at the ROC, and the magazines published  in the ROC also introduced them to a wider audience. It seemed that the activities  of t




Nishi Hideaki, “On the workshop for studying the legislation of the Republic of China (Chuka Minkoku Hosei Kenkyukai),” Journal for Legal History Studies 11 (2007): 323-342.

2007 〈中華民國法制史研究會經緯──資料的整理與介紹〉,《法制史研究》11:323-342。
Nishi Hideaki
2007 “On the workshop for studying the legislation of the Republic of China (Chuka Minkoku Hosei Kenkyukai).” Journal for Legal History Studies 11: 323-342.
西英昭. (2007). 中華民國法制史研究會經緯──資料的整理與介紹. 法制史研究, 11, 323-342.

Nishi Hideaki. (2007). On the workshop for studying the legislation of the Republic of China (Chuka Minkoku Hosei Kenkyukai). Journal for Legal History Studies, 11, 323-342.
西英昭. “中華民國法制史研究會經緯──資料的整理與介紹.” 法制史研究, no. 11 (2007): 323-342.

Nishi Hideaki. “On the workshop for studying the legislation of the Republic of China (Chuka Minkoku Hosei Kenkyukai).” Journal for Legal History Studies, no. 11 (2007): 323-342.
西英昭. “中華民國法制史研究會經緯──資料的整理與介紹.” 法制史研究, no. 11, 2007, pp. 323-342.

Nishi Hideaki. “On the workshop for studying the legislation of the Republic of China (Chuka Minkoku Hosei Kenkyukai).” Journal for Legal History Studies, no. 11, 2007, pp. 323-342.


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