

辛亥革命衝擊中華政法文化的中西歷史內涵 Origin of Western Impact on Chinese Political and Juridical Culture Through 1911 Revolution

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    朱浤源 Chu, Hong-Yuan

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孫中山以辛亥革命創建中華民國。這個革命是中國後來一連串革命的大動脈。建元後的共和國,雖然表面上進入充滿議會民主的活力,但是實際上內亂外患不斷。而且孫的三大革命,有列寧的蘇維埃革命,以及毛澤東的人民解放、共產以及文化大革命接續其後,但是,都被客觀地證明路線錯誤。因此,宣稱能夠將三大革命畢其功於一役的孫中山,其求漢族解放與建國、民主共和以及社會平等的三大主義,與晚年聯俄、容共、扶植工農來革命的三大政策的根本問題,到了一百年後的今天,已明確證實:這三個革命的本質,需要重新檢視與定位。 本文指出:造成中山先生如此重大失誤的原因,其為忽略中國政治與法律體系最重要的本質,並且再進一層探究為何如此。作者發現此係近代西方人的共通盲點,因為他們受到柏拉圖、亞理斯多德、康德、黑格爾以及馬克斯在內的大哲所影響。被對中國了解甚淺的西方知識份子所誤導的西方社會,造成對中國政治以及法律制度的完整性與可行性的重大誤會。這個大誤會,藉著傳教士引進共和革命開端之後,跟隨其後的「文學革命」、「國民革命」、「人民革命」、「文化大革命」,從1895年一直到1980年代而落實。因此,造成百年以上的動亂與災難。 孫三大革命的基本假設,在於自稱有能力牽一髮(共和革命)即可動全身(改造整個中國)。本文證明其實這是錯的。它的錯,就在對引入西洋政制的過度樂觀,與對自己政法優良傳統的完全鄙視。因為這群革命團隊當中的主導者,基本上是一群基督徒,而且是華僑,其中長時間流浪海外的是孫中山。再加上中華大地國家內部的基督教會,於清末為中國人爭得集會自由;中華民國的成立,乃教會之功;西教士為開導中國之先覺,使革命向西方偏斜。本文指出自治的「議會型」民主的理論與中華政法文化傳統不合。辛亥革命對「政為主、法為輔」傳統結構文化的衝擊,就在:改行「民主」的理論與實際。 文中以個案具體透視今人對議會型地方自治的迷戀及其內涵,並討論所連帶影響對中華政治文化全身躍入西法之「海」的看法。發現問題主要出在當年歐美各國菁英對中華政制認知的不足上面。文中深思:全力西方化源自西哲對中華政法傳統的看法。孟德斯鳩論中國以恐怖治國、韋伯以氏族詮釋中國社會、費正清修正韋伯的看法,而且呼籲自我檢討。作者對上述三哲的理解作了評析。 而孫中山僅以少數文化人,在沒有形成建構新經濟與社會之前,即結合新軍人來直接改造政治,因此,建於先秦的中華世界文官體系,其基本結構沒變:作為政治之依靠的「文化→經濟→社會」三層基礎尚未轉型;先蓋政治的上層,沒有文化、經濟、社會支撐的革命,自然鬆垮,很快就落個「尚未成功」的遺憾。

Instead, we must scrutinize the adequacy of our basic assumptions
about the Chinese scene. This is John King Fairbank’s last reflection in the last paragraph of the“Conclusion” of China: A New History (Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1992), his last and could be
most conclusive masterpiece. It represents the self awareness of the necessity for western intellectual to abandon their more than three hundred
years self centered perception on China. Concerning the Chinese political and juridical tradition the author after thirty nine years studies on the 1911 Chinese revolution tries hard in this article to introduce his findings on the functions and also the deep structure of an independent and efficient bureaucracy concerning the backbone of the Chinese three thousand-year successful governing. He also discusses in depth three important and very influential western scholars: Charles Baron de Montesquieu, Max Weber, and Fairbank, who treated the issue one after another via way of encyclopedia, sociological, and historical in the past three to four centuries. He tells us that the observation of Montesquieu on China in De l’esprit des lois, as well as those of Weber’s, was and still is the basis of the western conceptual distortion.
The article traces the origin of in the republican Chinese revolution through the thought of Sun Yat-sen, and proves the impact of the western
Christianity from Sun’s speeches and writings after 1912 on the contribution of Christians, such as missionaries and YMCA. They, led by Sun, introduced the above distorted misconceptions to China and persuaded successfully the Oriental society to accept Parliamentary Democracy and at the same time to abandon their own tradition. With it Sun overturned not only the Qing Dynasty, but also their legacy of political and juridical culture that proves to be much advanced system for governing, at least in China.



1911 Revolution、China、Political and Juridical Culture、Bureaucratic System、Christian Missionary、Parliamentary Democracy




Hong-Yuan Chu, “Origin of Western Impact on Chinese Political and Juridical Culture Through 1911 Revolution,” Journal for Legal History Studies 24 (2013): 121-258.

2013 〈辛亥革命衝擊中華政法文化的中西歷史內涵〉,《法制史研究》24:121-258。
Chu, Hong-Yuan
2013 “Origin of Western Impact on Chinese Political and Juridical Culture Through 1911 Revolution.” Journal for Legal History Studies 24: 121-258.
朱浤源. (2013). 辛亥革命衝擊中華政法文化的中西歷史內涵. 法制史研究, 24, 121-258.

Chu, Hong-Yuan. (2013). Origin of Western Impact on Chinese Political and Juridical Culture Through 1911 Revolution. Journal for Legal History Studies, 24, 121-258.
朱浤源. “辛亥革命衝擊中華政法文化的中西歷史內涵.” 法制史研究, no. 24 (2013): 121-258.

Chu, Hong-Yuan. “Origin of Western Impact on Chinese Political and Juridical Culture Through 1911 Revolution.” Journal for Legal History Studies, no. 24 (2013): 121-258.
朱浤源. “辛亥革命衝擊中華政法文化的中西歷史內涵.” 法制史研究, no. 24, 2013, pp. 121-258.

Chu, Hong-Yuan. “Origin of Western Impact on Chinese Political and Juridical Culture Through 1911 Revolution.” Journal for Legal History Studies, no. 24, 2013, pp. 121-258.


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