本文以Birge Bettine、Jennifer Holgrem、鄭桂瑩研究中,關於元朝時期婦女守節意識提昇的研究為例,說明以法制史料研究元代社會史時,所可能呈現的某些侷限及其不足之處。除了要摒除「征服王朝」的部分迷思,以避免過度強調漢人官僚、蒙古舊習(尤指收繼婚)對法令制定的影響外,也須在了解元代法制史料特質的情況下,補充其餘相關的文獻,以求對元代社會有較全面的認識。
According to the studies of Birge Bettine, Jennifer Holgrem, and Zheng Qui-Ying, this paper takes the exaltation of women’s chastity as an example to explain some limitations which may occur when the researches of Society in Yuan China are based on the legal texts. Besides clarifying the myth of the conquered Dynasty in order to avoid over-emphasizing the influence of Chinese officers and Mongol’s Levirate, this paper suggests that the scholars could add the relevant texts to comprehend the society of Yuan China under the characteristic which the legal texts have explained.
Yuan Dynasty, Women, Levirate, chastity, Yuan-tien-chang.