徽州是我國明清兩代經濟比較發達的重要地區,由於該地區地理環境相對較為封閉,形成了具有獨立特色的徽州文化。又因該地區素有保存民間檔案的習慣,故至今仍有大量的歷史文獻分別保存於鄉鎮和村莊的民間宗祠中。筆者從上世紀八十年代開始,多次前往徽州地區進行田野調查和標本採集,先後調查了休寧、績溪、黟縣、歙縣、祁門以及今屬江西的婺源等縣,深入五十個鄉鎮,二百餘村莊,進行了較為深入細緻地調查研究。同時掌握了大量的第一手資料。 根據已經搜集到的徽州地區民間私約進行的分類研究,顯著具有重要的法學價值和社會學價值。本文從徽州地區採集的近萬件民間私約中,整理出2696件,並根據民事行為進行了相應的分類,共分為買賣、借貸、抵押典當、租賃、合夥、婚姻、繼承、分家析產、調解以及其他10個類別,並採用統計學的方法對上述民間私約的發生率做了分類比較,以期說明該地區民間私約發生的自然狀況及其法學價值。 為了使該統計和比較更具有直觀的說服力,筆者又以休寧縣東臨溪鄉為選點,分析比較了該鄉200餘件民間私約的發生率,並以此和徽州地區同類民間私約做了概率和統計學意義的比較,以便更為全面地闡述該地區民間私約的實際發生情況。這是法學界首次使用統計學和比較分析的方法,對中國明清以來具有明確地點和具體行為的民間私約所做出的專門性研究,該研究成果對於中國民間私約的發生以及量化分析,有著十分重要的學術價值,並且可以作為直接的量化中國民間私約研究的科學性分析依據。
Huizhou is China's economically developed region during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Because this area's geography environment is relatively closed, Huizhou formed an independent feature of culture. Meanwhile, due to the habit of preserving folk archives, it still has a number of historical documents preserved in the ancestral hall of towns and villages. From the eighties of last century, the authors have made several trips to Huizhou area to do field investigation and specimen collection. They have investigated the area of Xiuning, Jixi, Yixian, Shexian, Qimen and Wuyuan County which belongs to Jiangxi province now, gone deep into fifty villages and towns, 200 townships to undertake relatively thorough and meticulous investigation and research. At the same time they mastered a large number of first hand data. According to classification research on these private contracts collected in Huizhou area, obviously they have important legal value and social value. In this paper, the authors select and finish 2696 pieces from nearly 10000 pieces of private contracts, and classify them correspondingly based on different civil actions. In the end these private contracts are divided into10 categories: trading, lending, mortgage, lease, partnership, marriage, inheritance, household division, mediation and others. The authors use statistical methods to classify and compare the incidence of different folk private contracts in this region, in order to illustrate the occurrence of natural condition and legal value of them. In order to make the statistics and comparison more intuitively convincing, the author takes Dong linxi, a township belongs to Xiuning County, as a specimen to analysis and compare the incidence of more than 200 private contracts which took place in this small village in the Ming and Qing dynasties. According to the probability and statistical comparison with the similar private contracts which took place in Huizhou area during the same period, the actual situation of private contracts in this area is elaborated more comprehensively. This is the first time for Jurisprudence to use statistics and comparative analysis methods to do specialized research on private contracts which took place in clear locations and with specific behaviors since Ming and Qing Dynasties. The results of the study on the occurrence and quantitative analysis about Chinese private contracts have very important academic value, and can be used as a science basis about the direct quantification of Chinese folk private contracts.
Huizhou、Private contracts、Classification statistics