在醫學教育方面,針對入學年齡,日本令規定要比唐令更為低的年齡層接受教育,完成學業的年限也根據需要而進行延長,還在令外設置了唐沒有的「女醫博士」。由此強化國家的教育體制,為學習唐的先進醫學及藥學提供了方便。因此,醫疾令的醫學教育系統開始發揮其功能後,醫學及藥學知識在八世紀得到普及,無需依賴「藥部」氏族的醫療官人制也開始逐步走向成熟。「衛府醫師」、「國醫師」等醫療官人的定員化,可以說體現了日本古代國家想要有效實現唐代醫療體制的堅定姿態。衛府醫師是在大寶令實施20年後方才正式設置,這也說明古代國家所構思的醫療體制的完善,需要一個相當長的歷程。大寶律令的實施被評價為「為律令國家提交了一張建設性藍圖」, 關於醫疾令確實具有如此重大的意義。
The Yuji Ling (Medical Statutes) is a chapter which was lost a long time ago among the ancient Japanese Ling law inherited from Tang Ling law. I have restored both Tang and Japanese Medical Statutes before and performed comparative study concerning their medical education and regulations. However I have to revise both Tang and Japanese Medical Statutes because of the discovery of Tiansheng Yiji Ling. The aim of this manuscript is (1) to submit new tentative plan of recovery with Tang and Japanese Medical Statutes reconsidering the restoration of both Tang and Japanese Medical Statutes based on 「the study in recovery of Tang Medical Statutes」 by Cheng Jin, (2) to perform comparative study between Tang and Japanese medical regulations, (3) to clarify the way of inheritance in ancient Japanese Medical Statutes.
The construction, expression and letter of Japanese Medical Statutes are well corresponded with Tang. It shows that Japanese Medical Statutes is roughly a copy of Tang Medical Statutes. No existence of Japanese original text testifies that Japanese ancient government accepted Tang’s advanced medical education and regulations totally. Whereas, practical management mainly depend on Yao-bu 薬部 family resulting from the Asian Continent and Yao-hu 薬戸. It was a change by the actual situation of ancient Japanese nation with family system from the 6th century and an introduction of knowledge from the Korean Peninsula.
In medical education, Japanese Medical Statutes shows that (1) the education started in the younger age comparing with Tang, (2) total education term extended if it was required, (3) Nu-yi-bo-shi 女医博士 (Professor for women’s doctors) was provided out of the rule. The ancient Japanese nation strengthened the education system to learn the Tang’s advanced medicine and pharmacology. After the new system depended on the Japanese Medical Statutes worked, medical and pharmacological knowledge spread during the 8th century, and developed the government medical system without Yao-bu family. To fix the number of medical officer including Wei-fu-yi-shi 衛府医師(Military doctors), Guo-yi-shi圖医師(Local doctors) etc. shows the ancient Japanese national policy to realize the Tang’s system ideally. It took time to set up the new medical system planned by the ancient Japanese government. For example, Wei-fu-yi-shi was actually assigned 20 years after the enforcement of the Taiho Lu-Ling大宝律令.The Taiho Lu-Ling was evaluated 」 blueprint of the ideal Lu-Ling Law State」. The Japanese Medical Statutes was another blueprint of the ideal Lu-Ling Law State.
Tiansheng Ling, The Yuji Ling (Medical Statutes), Tang Dynasty and Ancient Japan, Lu-Ling Law State