

試論唐代皇帝巡幸的乘輿制度 Exploring the Institution of the Emperor’s Inspection Tour through the Regulations on the Imperial Carriages in the Tang Dynasty

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    古怡青 Ku, Yi-Ching

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皇帝出巡的鹵簿儀仗是國力的表現,也是政治上身分地位的象徵。就禮制而言,《大唐開元禮》記載皇帝出巡時宿衛從駕的鹵簿儀衛,而皇帝巡幸時,正透過鹵簿儀衛彰顯出皇權的威儀;就法制而言,唐代律令規範從駕官人的賞與罰,也是維護皇權的重要象徵。 皇帝巡幸時,正是最需要安全保衛的關鍵時刻,官人隨駕護衛與否,正是檢視忠誠度的重要關鍵之一。「北衙禁軍」主要負責宿衛宮城玄武門內外,與隨從皇帝巡幸、征行等出行侍從。事實上,北衙禁軍一直是隨駕軍隊的主要力量。北衙禁軍由南衙禁衛將軍所統領,因此皇帝出行主要由南衙禁衛軍負責護衛。南衙禁衛軍負責唐代皇帝巡幸途中的鹵簿儀衛,以維護軍事安全的護衛職責。南衙禁軍對於皇帝行幸的法律護衛職責,遍佈於《唐律疏議》多篇律文中,反映出唐律針對皇帝巡行時南衙禁軍沿途護衛的全面性規範, 南衙禁軍對於皇帝移動性護駕的失職懲處具有多元的面向,亦可見皇帝巡行時南衙禁軍在鹵簿儀仗中安全警備的重要性。

The escorting of an emperor on tour was a performance of state power as well as a symbol of political status. In terms of the ritual system, the Da Tang Kaiyuan Li recorded The Institution of Emperor’s Inspection Tour by Escort Carriage (lubu), and these were ways for the emperor to show the majesty of the imperial power. In terms of the legal system, laws formulated the rewards and punishments of the following officials, and were also an important symbol upholding imperial power. The time when the emperor went on tour was a critical moment when he most needed protection; and inclusion of an official in the escort was a key sign that he was seen as loyal. The Northern Command was mainly responsible for travel inside and outside the Xuanwu Gate, as well as attending the emperor on his travels, whether for tour, patrol or conquest. In fact, the Northern Command was the main force of the accompanying army. Because the Northern Command was still under the direction of the Southern Command, on such tours the emperor was primarily guarded by the Southern Command. The responsibilities of the Southern Command as the emperor’s legal escort are spread throughout the articles of the Tang Code, reflecting the comprehensive scope of the protection expected of the Southern Command during imperial tours as well as the multiple forms that dereliction of duty by the Southern Command as the emperor’s mobile guard could take. From this, the importance of the Southern Command in protecting the emperor during imperial tours as part of the imperial escort (lubu) may be seen.



Tang Code, inspection tour, Imperial Carriage, escort carriage (lubu), Northern-Southern Command, Datang Kaiyuan Li




Yi-Ching Ku, “Exploring the Institution of the Emperor’s Inspection Tour through the Regulations on the Imperial Carriages in the Tang Dynasty,” Journal for Legal History Studies 36 (2019): 1-56.

2019 〈試論唐代皇帝巡幸的乘輿制度〉,《法制史研究》36:1-56。
Ku, Yi-Ching
2019 “Exploring the Institution of the Emperor’s Inspection Tour through the Regulations on the Imperial Carriages in the Tang Dynasty.” Journal for Legal History Studies 36: 1-56.
古怡青. (2019). 試論唐代皇帝巡幸的乘輿制度. 法制史研究, 36, 1-56.

Ku, Yi-Ching. (2019). Exploring the Institution of the Emperor’s Inspection Tour through the Regulations on the Imperial Carriages in the Tang Dynasty. Journal for Legal History Studies, 36, 1-56.
古怡青. “試論唐代皇帝巡幸的乘輿制度.” 法制史研究, no. 36 (2019): 1-56.

Ku, Yi-Ching. “Exploring the Institution of the Emperor’s Inspection Tour through the Regulations on the Imperial Carriages in the Tang Dynasty.” Journal for Legal History Studies, no. 36 (2019): 1-56.
古怡青. “試論唐代皇帝巡幸的乘輿制度.” 法制史研究, no. 36, 2019, pp. 1-56.

Ku, Yi-Ching. “Exploring the Institution of the Emperor’s Inspection Tour through the Regulations on the Imperial Carriages in the Tang Dynasty.” Journal for Legal History Studies, no. 36, 2019, pp. 1-56.


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