

大庭脩先生與中國法制史研究──以《秦漢法制史研究》中心 Dr. Ooba Osamu and Research on Chinese Legal History ── Taking The research on legal history in Qin and Han Dynasty as the center

  • 作  者:

    徐世虹 Xu, Shi-Hong

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大庭脩先生是日本研究中國史的著名學者,研究領域主要涉及秦漢法制史、中國簡牘學、中日交流史,代表作有《秦漢法制史研 究》、《江戶時代汲取中國文化之研究》、《漢簡研究》。他對中國法制史研究的基本認識是:法制史的研究對象是「法律與制度的 歷史」,追尋的是法律的復原與統治機構恢復生命力的歷史表現; 在研究方法上不能以今目古,而是應在確認主體的基礎上進行比較,研究當以實證為先。他在秦漢法制史研究領域內的主要建樹是:統治機構與官僚制度的研究,從律令法體系的變遷看中國史的時代區分,漢律令輯佚,漢令立法程序的揭示,「不道」罪的內涵 辨析與概念界定,官文書尤其是詔書冊的復原研究。他的〈漢律中 的「不道」概念〉、〈關於居延出土的詔書冊與詔書斷簡〉、〈關於漢代詔書的形態〉皆為較有影響的論文,《秦漢法制史研究》則 是研究秦漢法制史重要的參考著作。

Dr.Ooba Osamu is a famous Japanese scholar who studies Chinese history. The ranges of his research extends to three aspects, the legal history in Qin and Han Dynasty, the science of inscribed wooden slip and the history of communication between China and Japan. The research on legal history in Qin and Han Dynasty 秦漢法 制史研究, The research on absorbing Chinese Culture in Edo period 江戶時代汲取中國文化之研究, and The research on inscribed wooden slip in Han Dynasty 漢簡研究 are masterpieces in these three fields. His basic understanding of Chinese legal history is that the object of study is the history of law and system. We study it in pursuit of the restoration of the law and historical performance that the governing body regains its vitality. In the research method should be noted that we should conduct comparative study on the basis of knowing the subject, rather than view history with today’s knowledge; therefore, when we research, we take evidence first. Dr. Ooba has made great achievements in the field of legal history of Qin and Han Dynasty through researching on the system of government and bureaucracy, marking off Chinese historical epochs by researching the evolution of system of law and statutes, gathering lost laws and statutes of Han Dynasty, figuring out the legislative procedure of statutes, discriminating the connotation of Budao 不道 and defining its concept, recovering the original appearance of imperial edicts. His paper of the concept of Budao in the law of Han Dynasty 漢律中的不 道概念, the book of edicts and edicts inscribed on the cracked slips which unearthed in Juyan 關於居延出土的詔書冊與詔書斷簡, and the form of edicts in Han Dynasty 關於漢代詔書的形態 are influential essays and his book of The research on legal history in Qin and Han Dynasty is an important reference book on the study of related issues.



Ooba Osamu, inscribed wooden slip in Han Dynasty, positivism, Legal history of Qin and Han Dynasty




Shi-Hong Xu, “Dr. Ooba Osamu and Research on Chinese Legal History ── Taking The research on legal history in Qin and Han Dynasty as the center,” Journal for Legal History Studies 31 (2017): 271-294.

2017 〈大庭脩先生與中國法制史研究──以《秦漢法制史研究》中心〉,《法制史研究》31:271-294。
Xu, Shi-Hong
2017 “Dr. Ooba Osamu and Research on Chinese Legal History ── Taking The research on legal history in Qin and Han Dynasty as the center.” Journal for Legal History Studies 31: 271-294.
徐世虹. (2017). 大庭脩先生與中國法制史研究──以《秦漢法制史研究》中心. 法制史研究, 31, 271-294.

Xu, Shi-Hong. (2017). Dr. Ooba Osamu and Research on Chinese Legal History ── Taking The research on legal history in Qin and Han Dynasty as the center. Journal for Legal History Studies, 31, 271-294.
徐世虹. “大庭脩先生與中國法制史研究──以《秦漢法制史研究》中心.” 法制史研究, no. 31 (2017): 271-294.

Xu, Shi-Hong. “Dr. Ooba Osamu and Research on Chinese Legal History ── Taking The research on legal history in Qin and Han Dynasty as the center.” Journal for Legal History Studies, no. 31 (2017): 271-294.
徐世虹. “大庭脩先生與中國法制史研究──以《秦漢法制史研究》中心.” 法制史研究, no. 31, 2017, pp. 271-294.

Xu, Shi-Hong. “Dr. Ooba Osamu and Research on Chinese Legal History ── Taking The research on legal history in Qin and Han Dynasty as the center.” Journal for Legal History Studies, no. 31, 2017, pp. 271-294.


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