在清代命案中,服制成為考量刑罰結果的關鍵因素。服制原則 無論是在立法層面還是在司法實踐中,都得到嚴格貫徹。清中葉後,立法日重名分綱紀,服制命案的司法裁判呈現出責任嚴格化趨向,對主觀犯意和罪過的有意無視和忽略,在某種程度上加重了傳統刑法的結果主義和客觀主義的傾向。但是,針對「情有可原」案件而創建的夾簽聲請制度,賦予清代服制命案的處理以一定程度的內在張力和靈活衡情的空間。夾簽聲請對於緩和因立法過於重視服制名分而給刑罰制度帶來的嚴苛性、刻板性具有重要意義,也是帝制中國司法向來追求「天理、國法、人情允協」、「情法兩平」的手段之一。它在一定意義和程度上於立法和司法兩端留有自由衡情的罅隙,從而為構築傳統中國司法文化的衡平世界提供了可能性。
The mourning apparel system became a critical factor of criminal penalty in homicide cases which happened in Qing dynasty.The principle of mourning apparel system was carried out sternly both in legislation and judiciary. After the middle period of Qing dynasty, along with emphasizing status and guiding principle in legislation, the judicial adjudication was getting more strictly in penal liability, while the mens rea and sin were neglected intentionly, which strengthened the tendency of consequentialism and objectivism of Imperial China penal law. However, the endorsement requesting system which was applied to excusable cases, vested some inherent tension force and equitable judicial space of homicide cases in Qing dynasty and relieved severe and inflexible of the penal system which was caused by overvaluing mourning apparel system and status.Above all, endorsement requesting system provided some probability of equitable justice for Chinese traditional judicial culture.
homicide case, mourning apparel system, endorsement request (Jiaqian), strict penal liability, equity justice