在南宋劉克莊的判決中,他引用了「父母已亡,兒女分產,女合得男之半」一法律條文。就目前所知,進行分析南宋曾引用且適用於此一法律條文的案例,我認為這條法律條文具備的要件是:父母雙亡後,分家(即分割家產)之際,如果只能繼承家產的男性是尚未成年者,這個時候則男女按2:1的比例均可分得家產。 此一立法的主旨是:即使女子已婚,通過將一部分家產給姐姐後,可以避免來自(包括姐姐在內)他人的傷害,從而保全未成年男子的生命和財產安全。另一方面,若有成年未婚女子或未成年女子時,這條法律亦不僅只是為了保全男子的財產,還兼有保障女子的生活費和其將來嫁資的作用。
In the Southern Sung, Liu Ke-zhuang 劉克莊in his legal precedent cited, “According to the law, when the mother and father have died the sons and daughters divide the property, and a daughter gets half as much as a son.” So far as we have known by analyzing legal precedents of the Southern Sung which ever cited or applied to this article, I think this law required the following conditions: when the mother and father have died the sons and daughters divided the property, a daughter inherited half as much as a son only if the sons were all nonages.
The purpose of this law is: leaving a portion of property to the sisters (even they were married) could protect the lives and property of underage sons from being harmed by others (“others”including the sisters). On the other hand, if the adult sisters were unmarried or sisters were also underage, this law not only guaranteed the sons’ property but also the sisters’ expenses and dowries.
No matter under what situation, this article was primarily established to protect the lives and property of nonage sons; after the needs of sons were fulfilled, the law sought financial supports for sisters. In my opinion, instead of ensuring a certain scale of inheritance for sisters, demanding a property for sisters was only a strategy to realize the design of dynastic society. If the guardian or legal proxy were parents or adult men who could control and conduct family property, then this law wouldn’t be effective. In other words, this law was exactly set for family constituted by underage sons and sisters.
Liu Ke-zhuang、the rule of daughters inheriting portions(nüzi fenfa 女子分法)、the sons and daughters divide the property(ernü fenchan 兒女分產)、social policy