清朝的對外法律秩序至乾隆時期臻於詳備,其背後形成了一套 完整而綿密的法規範架構,這一規範架構包括了《大清會典》與則例、以《禮部則例》、《理藩院則例》為代表的各部院則例以及 《大清律例》等規範性文件。其中《大清會典》相關條文是乾隆時 期對外法律秩序最原則性、總括性的規範。各部院則例則相當於會典的實施細則,著眼於行政實踐的細節。而《大清律例》中的相關條文則更多地關注經濟行為,且表現出鮮明的刑事法和內國法特徵。這些法規範共同架構起乾隆時期對外法律秩序背後的規範體系,它是複雜的、多元的,在會典和則例所側重規範的禮儀層面, 清朝仍然保持著一種天朝上國的自尊與開拓性,甚至將泰西各國的互市都視作一種朝貢行為;但在《大清律例》這一刑法層面上,清 朝又保持了相當的自制和收縮性,顯然注意到自己的統治的界限。 同時,清廷對於朝鮮等屬國、哈薩克等外藩、西洋等互市國以及俄 羅斯這四種不同的交往對象,主管機構不同,適用的法規範也不 一,呈現出乾隆時期對外法律秩序的多元性特徵。
The legal order of foreign activities in Qianlong Period is a complete and tight-knit legal framework including the Collected Statutes in the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Code and the statutes of each administrative organs such as Libu and Lifanyuan. In all the laws and regulations, the Collected Statutes in the Qing Dynasty are the most constitutional and blanket legal norms. The statutes of each administrative organs look like the implementing rules for the Collected Statutes in the Qing Dynasty. While the Qing Code focuses on the economic sphere, and presents as the criminal law and domestic law. This legal system is quite complicated and multifold. The Collected Statutes in Qing Dynasty and the statutes of each administrative organs emphasize the rites. From these kinds of regulations, we can see the Qing dynasty still keeps the pride of the Celestial Empire and the pioneering ambitions. However, in the Qing Code, the Qing dynasty maintains a certain level of self-restraint and contractibility. Obviously, the Qing dynasty has been aware that its governance has the boundary. The Qing dynasty separate all the foreign countries into four types, which includes the dependent feudatory such as Korea, the vassal states such as Kazak, the countries who have the mutual trade with China, such as the West and the countries who has signed the treaties with China, such as Tsarist Russia. Directed at different kinds of foreign countries, the Qing dynasty has different administrative organs to manage the foreign affairs. What’s more, the applicable laws are also different.
The Order of Foreign Activities, Legal Norms, Collected Statutes in the Qing Dynasty, Statutes of Libu, the Qing Code