The discussion on the traditional Chinese legal history has always utilized the typical framework with a focus on the“Xingfahzu” that existed in each of the historical dynasties, and such framework had been followed till the late Qing Dynasty without any structural changes. Towards the beginning of the 20th century, there has been a gradual development of a contemporary discussion method for the Chinese legal history that departs from its traditional counterpart, with the progress of the modernization of the Chinese legal history and the emergence of new method in studying new legal history. During such period, Yang Hong-Lie was the founder of a new method of discussion on Chinese legal history, and that has made him an important figure in the studies of Chinese legal history. This Article shall start from the interrelationship between figures and such era, introducing Yang’s turbulent fate, and provide a detailed explanation on the background of the teachings that he received, his logic of thinking, contributions of his studies, and his final standing in the academic world.
The Chinese legal history、The Chinese legal thinking history、Taiwan’s legal history、Master’s and PhD theses