「秋審文類」產生於清代有關死刑監候案件審理的司法 實踐,或由法律專家私人編撰而成,或經官方頒定行用,在 每年的秋審過程中發揮重要作用。對於這部分頗具特色的法 史文獻,前此不曾有學者專題討論。本文主要針對秋審略 例、秋審條款與成案等秋審文類進行闡述和討論,通過研究 發現:這些秋審文類的形成具有獨特的司法背景,反過來也 成為清代秋審司法特徵的重要組成部分。不僅如此,秋審略 例集中代表了清代法律語言學的突出成就,秋審條款與成案 在清代秋審司法實踐過程中,作為特殊形式的法律文件,為 大量死刑監候案件的處理提供了極具實用價值的司法參考。 因此,這些秋審文類不僅在當時影響甚巨,更為我們從法律 的角度認識和揭露清代秋審的司法特徵和功能提供了難得的材料。全文著眼於在釐清和敘敘述基本事實的基礎上,探討 這些秋審文類的成因,總結它們的特徵,並努力揭發其獨特 的司法價值、文獻價值和研究價值,希望對學界研究清代政 治法律的歷史有所貢獻。
The 「Autumn-Trial Documentary」 was a judicial practice created in the Ching era, concerning death-penalty cases to be executed pending on the outcome of the autumn-trial. The documentary was either selected and edited by the legal experts for their private works, or was promulgated and enforced by the government officials. It had played an important function in the annual autumn trial. Before to-day no scholars had ever paid attention to this part of the legal history literature, which was rather peculiar in itself. The main conclusion is that the「 Autumn-Trial Documentary」 does not only come from the judicial practice of the autumn-trial in Ching era, but also becomes its partial character. Furthermore, these important documentaries play a key role in the judicial practice of the autumn-trial, which are helpful for us to know better what is the peculiar character and functions of the judicial practice of the autumn-trial in Ching era. This paper will focus on describing and discussing the simplified cases of the autumn trial, its rules and regulations and the precedent cases, so as to discover and identify the causes of autumn trial and to finalize its peculiarities. It is hoped that this paper will contribute to the academic study of the political and legal history of the Ching era.
Autumn-trial, procedure, rules and regulations, Precedent Cases