晚清小說中,俠義公案小說是一個很重要的文類。在晚 清時期,此類小說廣受歡迎,為數眾多的俠義公案續書廣泛 的出版,並為讀者所接受。不同於前代的公案小說,俠義公 案小說的作者與書坊主人結合了公案與俠義兩種不同的故事 類型。在這些文本中,俠客晉升廟堂,協助官府偵查犯罪、 逮捕罪犯;俠從與法律的對立的一方,搖身一變成為合法的 一方。從清中葉到晚清,急轉直下的政治局勢多少影響著俠 義公案的文本敘述傾向。作者表面上歌頌清官、恭維明君, 企圖迴避執政者對小說的禁令,另一方面又在文本中揶揄諷刺正義實現的方式。本文試圖透過清代法律實務與小說中的 審判做比較,以期得知,在清統治者、俠客、審判者、與俠 義公案小說的作者、書坊主人中,究竟誰的正義得以實現。
Chivalrous and court-case fiction is an important part of late- Qing fictions. As a popular genre, numerous sequences are published and read in late-Qing period. Unlike the court-case fictions before Qing period, the authors and publishers combined two kinds of traditional tales: court-case and chivalrous genre. In these fictions, Knights-errant entered the administration of justice to help the judge for detection of crime and apprehension of gangsters. Knights-errant, the illegal team before, turned to be legal. From middle-Qing to late-Qing period, the situation which going downhill also affected the description of chivalrous and court-case fictions. In these fictions, the authors gave praise to the honest and upright officials and brilliant emperors apparently to avoid the prohibition against fictions, for another, they ridiculed the way how justice could be realized. This paper attempts to compare the judgement in these fictions with the judicial practice in Late-Qing period. The goal of this present paper is to discover, among the Qing government, knights-errant, the judges, and the authors of Chivalrous and Court-Case fictions, whose justice could be realized.
公案小說、俠、晚清小說、清代法制、三俠五義、 詩學正義
Court-case fiction, Knight-errant, Late-Qing fiction, Law of Qing dynasty, San-xia wu-yi, Poetic justice