本文主張,當我們要檢視明清中國是否出現「保障私有產權和債權的商法」這樣「看似簡單」的課題時,答案不該只是停留在「有」或「沒有」的是非題,而需要更細緻地區分此問題至少存在三個不同的討論層次:近代歐洲「私法」(private law)與「商法」(law merchant, mercantile law)的不同發展途徑、傳統中國法學家用以建構法律核心價值觀的不同取徑,以及明清中國逐漸發展出來藉以保護商人財產的不同「利益」訴求。整體而言,儘管當時中國並未出現近代西方意義的「商法」,但十七世紀以降中國商業法律的一些重要發展仍值得注意,當時中國「經濟、社會」與「政治、法律」現象之間,確實仍存在足以相互補強的關係,這些史實誠非沒有「商法」這樣一種簡單答案即能說明。
Analyzing three kinds of legal texts, I delve into the interaction between economy and law in seventeenth-century China. Against kinds of cliché about how “commercial law” could not and will not emerge in traditional China, I argue that we should put the issue of “commercial law” into Chinese context. By means of scrutinizing the legal critique and legal reasoning existing in the texts from those of a legal treatise, a handbook of litigation master and extant records about cotton industry lawsuits, this article shed light on the reciprocity between economic-cum-social and political-cum-legal arena which concurred in Late Imperial China.
legal critique, legal reasoning, commercial law, historical change, Late Imperial China