百歲老人張遵修先生是清華大學法學院政治學系1948屆本科畢業 生,少時曾希望學習工業報國,後在政治局勢轉變下決定轉向政治學, 立志政治救國。她身具外文系與政治系的雙重知識背景,早年曾從事新聞工作,後來從事《中國大百科全書.法學》卷的編輯工作。作為《法學》卷的責任編輯,張先生是編纂工作的重要負責人之一,見證並深度參與了這一當代中國法治啟蒙重要作品的誕生,可謂是法治啟蒙的重要推手。
Chang Tsun-hsiu 張遵修, who turns one hundred this year, graduated from the Department of Political Science of Tsinghua University with a bachelor’s degree in 1948. At a young age, she had expected to take an engineering course and thus serve the country. Nevertheless, with the changed political situation, she decided to study political science and save the country through her scholarship. With a dual background in foreign literature and political science, she first worked in journalism. Afterwards, she participated in the editing of the Encyclopedia of China: Law (Zhongguo dabaikequanshu: Faxue 中國大百科全書: 法學). As the editor responsible for the volume on law, Chang played a significant role in its compilation, bearing witness and making a substantial contribution to the birth of this prominent publication. She is undoubtedly one of the major promoters of the enlightenment of China with regards to the rule of law.
張遵修、清華大學政治學系、《中國大百科全書.法學》卷、 法治啟蒙
Chang Tsun-hsiu, Department of Political Science of Tsinghua University, Encyclopedia of China: Law (Zhongguo dabaikequanshu: Faxue), enlightenment of the rule of law