「勞工」作為勞動法的核心概念,決定勞動法的調整對象與適用範圍。但在19世紀的德國,「勞工」及其「從屬性」只是一個社會政策概念,主要出現在 Karl Marx(1818-1883)等社會政策學家的論著中。19 世紀末20世紀初,帝國保障局在保險法的司法實踐中首次採用人格與經濟從屬性的標準來判斷當事人是否屬於強制被保險人。一戰前,為整合散亂矛盾的立法,勞動契約理論的創始人 Philipp Lotmar(1850-1922) 在抽象出「勞工」概念的同時回避了從屬性問題。威瑪共和國成立之後,圍繞「從屬性」概念是否法律化,如何學理化,德國第一代勞動法學者展開了激烈的爭論。這場爭論本質上涉及勞動法如何與公私法結構相容、馬克思主義如何與德國法學的主體性相容的問題。
At present, the concepts of “employee” and “subordination” have become the core concepts of labour law, which determine its objects, scope, and methods as a legal science. In the 19th century, “subordination” was not yet a legal concept. It was mainly used by theorists of social policy, such as Karl Marx. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the Imperial Insurance Office adopted the criteria of personal and economic subordination for the first time in the judicial practice of insurance law, to determine whether a person in question should be a compulsory insured or not. Before the First World War, the founder of labour contract theory, Philipp Lotmar, avoided the discussion of subordination, to consolidate the scattered and contradictory labour legislation of his time. After the establishment of the Weimar Republic, the first generation of German labour lawyers debated whether the concept of “subordination” should be legalized and how it should be formalised. The debate essentially concerned the compatibility of labour law with the dichotomy of public and private law, and the compatibility of Marxism with the subjectivity of German Pandectist jurisprudence.
employees, labour contract, labour relations, subordination, sociology of law