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雄心勃勃饒高節,總為人民辨不平──陳世榮大法官(1918-1992)的法曹生涯與他的時代 Defence for the Taiwanese people: A Study on Tan Se-ing’s career in the legal system (1918-1992)


本文為臺灣法界耆宿陳世榮先生的生涯記述,從現存傳主的相 關資料以及法界耆宿的口述歷史中探究陳世榮一生的經歷,大致可以分為幾個階段,(1)陳世榮生長於日治時期的臺灣中部雲林斗南的生長環境探討(2)陳世榮在臺灣南下到臺南就讀中學、北上到臺北就讀臺北高校以及渡海到日本仙台就讀東北帝國大學法文學部的學習經歷(3)遭逢二二八事變的經歷(4)歷任法曹的實務經驗。 陳世榮既是司法實務界資深的前輩,歷任檢察官、法官乃至大法官,任職大法官期間尤以撰寫數量龐大的不同意見書著名,渡過了波瀾萬丈的傳奇一生。也在票據法、強制執行法方面有專著行世,著作等身,其一生是臺灣戰後第一代法律人的縮影,對於臺灣司法改革的記憶傳承,具有重要的意義。

This article explored Tan Se-ing’s careers in the legal system as time changes. Tan Se-ing’s career in the legal system can be divided into four stages: (1) In the 1920s, he was born in Dounan Town, Yunlin County and got a good education in Janpanese. (2) In the 1930s, after finishing studies in Tainan Senior High School,he went to Taipei High School under the old system of education (臺北高校). After that,he attended the Imperial University of Tohoku.He paid attention to the modernization of the civil service system in Janpan and hoped it could save Taiwan;and passed the Judicial Examination of High Civil Service (高等文官考試司法科). (3) After the World War II, he encountered with February 28 Incident (二二八事變), and decided to become a judge. (4) After the 1970s, Tan Se-ing returned to Justice of the Constitutional Court, and frequently wrote Dissenting Opinions in Constitutional Courts in order to maintain the people's rights.



Tan Se-ing, Justice of the Constitutional Court, Dissenting Opinions in Constitutional Courts, Judicial Examination of High Civil Service




Yu-Hsi Lee, “Defence for the Taiwanese people: A Study on Tan Se-ing’s career in the legal system (1918-1992),” Journal for Legal History Studies 33 (2018): 239-288.

2018 〈雄心勃勃饒高節,總為人民辨不平──陳世榮大法官(1918-1992)的法曹生涯與他的時代〉,《法制史研究》33:239-288。
Lee, Yu-Hsi
2018 “Defence for the Taiwanese people: A Study on Tan Se-ing’s career in the legal system (1918-1992).” Journal for Legal History Studies 33: 239-288.
李玉璽. (2018). 雄心勃勃饒高節,總為人民辨不平──陳世榮大法官(1918-1992)的法曹生涯與他的時代. 法制史研究, 33, 239-288.

Lee, Yu-Hsi. (2018). Defence for the Taiwanese people: A Study on Tan Se-ing’s career in the legal system (1918-1992). Journal for Legal History Studies, 33, 239-288.
李玉璽. “雄心勃勃饒高節,總為人民辨不平──陳世榮大法官(1918-1992)的法曹生涯與他的時代.” 法制史研究, no. 33 (2018): 239-288.

Lee, Yu-Hsi. “Defence for the Taiwanese people: A Study on Tan Se-ing’s career in the legal system (1918-1992).” Journal for Legal History Studies, no. 33 (2018): 239-288.
李玉璽. “雄心勃勃饒高節,總為人民辨不平──陳世榮大法官(1918-1992)的法曹生涯與他的時代.” 法制史研究, no. 33, 2018, pp. 239-288.

Lee, Yu-Hsi. “Defence for the Taiwanese people: A Study on Tan Se-ing’s career in the legal system (1918-1992).” Journal for Legal History Studies, no. 33, 2018, pp. 239-288.


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