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雞姦為何為姦?──清代雞姦罪立法演變及其特殊性(1740-1911) Why and How jijian Became a Sex Crime under the Qing: The Particularity of Its Criminalization and Sexualization in the Legislation (1740-1911)


大量的研究表明中國是一個具有漫長的有關男子同性情感關係 記錄的國家。有論者認為「漢代之後,男風時盛時衰。在漫長的歷 史中,中國的男性在履行成家立業,傳接香火的責任之後,周圍人對他們的同性戀情往往寬而待之」。的確,在同樣漫長的立法史中,中國一直沒有專門針對同性性關係的立法,直到清代出現雞姦 罪的系列立法並開始懲治和姦性質的雞姦犯罪時,才將此寬鬆立法史改寫。雞姦罪的確是清代立法者的發明,作為法定罪名,它始於 清朝也止於清朝,歷時230年。到目前為止的多數研究者認為該立法是針對同性戀的刑事立法,未能說明清朝男風盛與雞姦罪的刑事政策的矛盾。本文擬在已有的研究成果基礎上,進一步釐清雞姦罪 的性質。文章將分三部分,第一部分考察雞姦罪在中國立法者對姦罪認定的傳統認知邏輯中的例外特徵;第二部分討論清朝立法者將雞姦納入姦罪的不確定性或者說認知矛盾。第三部分結合清朝雞姦罪案例的分析以求明晰雞姦立法所針對的真正懲治對象,最終達到 澄清目前研究領域中存在的誤區。

Numerous studies have shown that China is a country with a long tradition of documenting male homosexual relationships. Some research also posited that after the Han dynasty traditional Chinese society was more or less tolerant with homosexuality as long as men performed their duty of lineage perpetuation. In fact, China did not have any specific law addressing “homosexual relations” until the Qing Dynasty where a provision was promulgated to punish anal intercourse (jijian) essentially committed between males. Such a law has been understood as a legal stigmatization of “homosexuality” by most scholars who studied the subject. In this paper, the author argues that the real issue was not homosexuality but the punishment of offenses and crimes related to anal intercourse. The argument is unpacked in three sections. The first part attempts to describe the logic underlying sex crimes legislation before the Qing in order to highlight that, legally, male intercourses had never been considered illicit or sexual. The second part analyzes the contingency and paradoxes of the assimilation of anal intercourses to the category of sex crimes under the Qianlong reign. Finally, the third section focuses on specific cases and discusses major legislative flaws of the law as well as its problematic impact. The argument is based on the existence of a large number of homicide cases linked to self-defense against anal rape and on the quasi-absence of consented jijian cases.



Qing legislation on jijian crime, jijian, sex crime, body assault, sexual offense




Ning Zhang, “Why and How jijian Became a Sex Crime under the Qing: The Particularity of Its Criminalization and Sexualization in the Legislation (1740-1911),” Journal for Legal History Studies 33 (2018): 113-173.

2018 〈雞姦為何為姦?──清代雞姦罪立法演變及其特殊性(1740-1911)〉,《法制史研究》33:113-173。
Zhang, Ning
2018 “Why and How jijian Became a Sex Crime under the Qing: The Particularity of Its Criminalization and Sexualization in the Legislation (1740-1911).” Journal for Legal History Studies 33: 113-173.
張寧. (2018). 雞姦為何為姦?──清代雞姦罪立法演變及其特殊性(1740-1911). 法制史研究, 33, 113-173.

Zhang, Ning. (2018). Why and How jijian Became a Sex Crime under the Qing: The Particularity of Its Criminalization and Sexualization in the Legislation (1740-1911). Journal for Legal History Studies, 33, 113-173.
張寧. “雞姦為何為姦?──清代雞姦罪立法演變及其特殊性(1740-1911).” 法制史研究, no. 33 (2018): 113-173.

Zhang, Ning. “Why and How jijian Became a Sex Crime under the Qing: The Particularity of Its Criminalization and Sexualization in the Legislation (1740-1911).” Journal for Legal History Studies, no. 33 (2018): 113-173.
張寧. “雞姦為何為姦?──清代雞姦罪立法演變及其特殊性(1740-1911).” 法制史研究, no. 33, 2018, pp. 113-173.

Zhang, Ning. “Why and How jijian Became a Sex Crime under the Qing: The Particularity of Its Criminalization and Sexualization in the Legislation (1740-1911).” Journal for Legal History Studies, no. 33, 2018, pp. 113-173.


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