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Mittermaier《外國法學與立法批判期刊》(1829-1856)中的比較法 Comparative Law in Mittermaier's “Kritische Zeitschrift für Rechtswissenschaft und Gesetzgebung des Anslandes” (1829-1856)

  • 作  者:

    Heinz Mohnhaupt/李君韜 譯 Heinz Mohnhaupt/Translator: Lee, Chun-Tao

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本文以十九世紀德國法學家 Mittermaier 創辦的《外國法學與立 法批判期刊》為考察對象。作者首先探討了專業學術期刊的形成背 景。他指出,這種媒介與啟蒙運動所帶來的學術專業分化具有密切關聯。專業學術期刊有效地促進了訊息流通,在編輯群與讀者之間 形成了對話社群,記錄了個別學術專業的動態發展,可說是黑格爾 「時間中的精神」的體現。其次,作者探究了 Mittermaier 的學術取向,以及《批判期刊》的整體風格與其在比較法研究上的貢獻。 Mittermaier 具有實用主義的學術取向,他察覺到當時歐美各國法學 家對於其他國家法律發展認知不足,認為應當拓展德國法學的視野。Mittermaier 憑藉其學術熱忱,在《批判期刊》發行的28年中貢獻大量的著作,建立了期刊編輯委員會的訊息網絡,提高了歐美各 國法學資訊的流通。《批判期刊》的創辦宗旨,即在於實現歐洲法學共同體的理念,以增加歐洲各國法學的生命力。具體而言,比較法的研究,有助於促進各國立法的效率。在研究方法上,該期刊則 主張借鑑自然科學的跨國性質比較研究典範,嘗試在法學學說上形成歐洲的一體性,但同時在立法與現行法的層面上保有各國的區域特色。

This article investigated the legal journal “kritische Zeitschrift für ausländische Rechtswissenschaft und Gesetzgebung” founded by Mittermaier. The author explicated firstly the historical backgrounds for disciplinary periodicals. He pointed out that this medium had close relationship with the differentiation of academic professions resulting from the Enlightenment. Professional journals effectively facilitated the circulation of informations, formed a group of discourse between editors and readers, and documented the dynamic development of a certain profession. They were the embodiment of “Geist in der Zeit” in terms of Hegelian philosophy. The author further explicated the academic inclination of Mittermaier, the overall style of the “Kritische Zeitschrift” and its contributions to studies in comparative law. With a pragmatic orientation in his researches, Mittermaier was aware of the fact that European and American lawyers often had deficient knowledge of foreign legal developments. He believed that the horizon of German legal science should be broadened. With his academic engagement, Mittermaier provided a huge amount of articles for the “Kritische Zeitschrift” during its publication period, which lasted for 28 years. He established a network of informations among editors and thereby enhanced the exchange of legal nformations between European and American countries. The chief goal of “Kritische Zeitschrift” was to realize the idea of the community of European legal science in order to increase its vitality. To be more concrete, studies in comparative law can promote efficiency of legislation of individual countries. As far as the research method is concerned, this journal claimed that the method of comparative natural science should be borrowed as a model. With this method the unity of European legal science can be achieved, but at the same time regional characteristics of individual countries can be maintained on the level of legislation and positive law.



legal journals, comparative law, legislation, European legal science, German legal science




Heinz Mohnhaupt/李君韜 譯,〈Mittermaier《外國法學與立法批判期刊》(1829-1856)中的比較法〉,《法制史研究》32(2017):237-266。
Heinz Mohnhaupt/Translator: Lee, Chun-Tao, “Comparative Law in Mittermaier's ‘Kritische Zeitschrift für Rechtswissenschaft und Gesetzgebung des Anslandes’ (1829-1856),” Journal for Legal History Studies 32 (2017): 237-266.

Heinz Mohnhaupt/李君韜 譯
2017 〈Mittermaier《外國法學與立法批判期刊》(1829-1856)中的比較法〉,《法制史研究》32:237-266。
Heinz Mohnhaupt/Translator: Lee, Chun-Tao
2017 “Comparative Law in Mittermaier's ‘Kritische Zeitschrift für Rechtswissenschaft und Gesetzgebung des Anslandes’ (1829-1856).” Journal for Legal History Studies 32: 237-266.
Heinz Mohnhaupt/李君韜 譯. (2017). Mittermaier《外國法學與立法批判期刊》(1829-1856)中的比較法. 法制史研究, 32, 237-266.

Heinz Mohnhaupt/Translator: Lee, Chun-Tao. (2017). Comparative Law in Mittermaier's “Kritische Zeitschrift für Rechtswissenschaft und Gesetzgebung des Anslandes” (1829-1856). Journal for Legal History Studies, 32, 237-266.
Heinz Mohnhaupt/李君韜 譯. “Mittermaier《外國法學與立法批判期刊》(1829-1856)中的比較法.” 法制史研究, no. 32 (2017): 237-266.

Heinz Mohnhaupt/Translator: Lee, Chun-Tao. “Comparative Law in Mittermaier's ‘Kritische Zeitschrift für Rechtswissenschaft und Gesetzgebung des Anslandes’ (1829-1856).” Journal for Legal History Studies, no. 32 (2017): 237-266.
Heinz Mohnhaupt/李君韜 譯. “Mittermaier《外國法學與立法批判期刊》(1829-1856)中的比較法.” 法制史研究, no. 32, 2017, pp. 237-266.

Heinz Mohnhaupt/Translator: Lee, Chun-Tao. “Comparative Law in Mittermaier's ‘Kritische Zeitschrift für Rechtswissenschaft und Gesetzgebung des Anslandes’ (1829-1856).” Journal for Legal History Studies, no. 32, 2017, pp. 237-266.


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