廣池千九郎是活躍於明治、大正之際的學者,他整理了《倭漢比較律疏》和近衛家熙本《唐六典》,先後出版了《東洋法制史序論》、《東洋法制史本論》等專著,在當時獲得很高讚譽,可謂日本東洋法制史領域的開拓者之一。其研究特色可以概括為三點,即極為注意辨名析義、深具比較法史的意識、懷有經世實用的意圖。 至於其研究結論所強調的中日差異論與日本優越論,亦為當時日本學術界的風氣之一。
Dr.Hiroyike Chikulou is a scholar who was active in academia between the Meiji - Taisho period. He collated a text named 倭漢比較律 疏 and an edition of 唐六典 by Konoe Yiehiro, and published a series of monographs such as 東洋法制史序論 and 東洋法制史本論, which were highly praised at that time. Dr. Hiroyike is one of pioneers in the field of the oriental legal history, and develops three manners of his own on the research, which are concentrating on explaining words and phrases, possessing the consciousness of comparative history of law and holding the intent to cope with the current situation. Besides, Dr. Hiroyike emphasized that there were differences between China and Japan, and the Japanese culture had the superiority to the Chinese, which was a common view of some Japanese scholars at that time.
Hiroyike Chikulou, Oriental legal history, View on Japanese culture supremacy