拙稿試圖探索西元十世紀後日本《服忌令》的出現軌跡,勾勒 其形成的過程和原始樣貌,說明《服忌令》在中國的源頭、與母法唐令間的關係、在日本令中的規範,並簡介近世的演變。欲探究者,為日本古代法制中的禮俗層面,而非日本《神祇令》中的神道教宗教思想,故將範圍限定在日本令中述及的「忌」、「穢」 「齋」、「服」、「假」等名詞,在中國的源頭、與母法唐令間的關係、在日本令中的規範,以及日後的演變。文中辨明唐日律令中同名異義的部分,尋找現代日本喪葬禮俗的中國源頭。或許可以說,唐人的禮俗法制,不僅在中國本土流傳演變,即使在現代日本仍發揮影響力,並受到社會重視。
The law of mourning was used in the age of the Edo bakufu until the early of Meiji period in Japan, but studies in search of its cultural origin from ancient history is little. This study intended to find the origin of law of mourning on the T’ang Code and Yōrō Code, and the result found that 10th century was the key time for these two Codes to merge into the law of mourning. The source concepts of bereavement leave and uncleanness were not only Japanese, but also from the Tang Dynasty. The traditional legislation and etiquette rules of China and Japan integrated into one new classical culture, and henceforth continued growing in Japan until today.
Tang Code; Engi-Shiki; legislation; etiquette; uncleanness; bereavement leave; law of mourning; cultural exchange