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從董仲舒行誼看《春秋決獄》之事例來源 The Derivation of Judicial Cases of Spring and Autumn Annuals Judged by Dong Zhongshu’s Critical Issues


西漢大儒董仲舒以春秋經義決獄,在中國思想及法制史上具有特殊的地位,學者對董氏之思想雖多有著墨,但卻鮮少探究其所著 《春秋決獄》之事例來源。是以本文先探討其生平,並以天人三策及《春秋繁露》所徵引之內容,確認董氏通曉五經及漢時律法,並 推估其病免時年逾七十,符合致仕之條件,而其不窺園並專心於脩學著書,當係專注於《春秋決獄》各事例之整理與講學,以做為治生之依據。至於《春秋決獄》事例之來源,應包含以博士、中大夫身份參與各式集議時所論之議題、兩為諸侯相時之治案經歷、疑獄之諮詢內容,以及病免後與學生講學時之設問過程,進而總成該書。經過對《春秋決獄》所遺六則案例之語句進行分析,應可確定其內容當為真實而非虛擬案例。

The Han scholar, Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒, adopted the Confucian classics to judge judicial cases and thus has very exceptional position in Chinese ideological and legal system history. Even lots of scholars have studied his ideological thoughts; however, the sources that make up of the Judicial Cases of Spring and Autumn Annuals 春秋決獄 have not been properly explored. This article provides the evidence that Dong has full knowledge of Confucian classics and legal codes of Han dynasty. When retired, he was over seventy and could get the pension from the Han dynasty. In addition, the contents contained in the Judicial Cases of Spring and Autumn Annual should be derived from routine meetings in the imperial court, special conventions summoned by the emperor, the administration experience as marquis’ prime minister, the consultations of unsettled cases, and the teaching practices. After analyzing the wordings of the six cases available at present, the contents should be the illustration of real cases instead of fictitious ones.



Han scholars, Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒, Judicial Cases of Spring and Autumn Annuals 春秋決獄, Judging cases by the Confucian classics 經義決獄, Tianren sance 天人三策




Wan-Gen Lee, “The Derivation of Judicial Cases of Spring and Autumn Annuals Judged by Dong Zhongshu’s Critical Issues,” Journal for Legal History Studies 30 (2016): 33-69.

2016 〈從董仲舒行誼看《春秋決獄》之事例來源〉,《法制史研究》30:33-69。
Lee, Wan-Gen
2016 “The Derivation of Judicial Cases of Spring and Autumn Annuals Judged by Dong Zhongshu’s Critical Issues.” Journal for Legal History Studies 30: 33-69.
李萬晉. (2016). 從董仲舒行誼看《春秋決獄》之事例來源. 法制史研究, 30, 33-69.

Lee, Wan-Gen. (2016). The Derivation of Judicial Cases of Spring and Autumn Annuals Judged by Dong Zhongshu’s Critical Issues. Journal for Legal History Studies, 30, 33-69.
李萬晉. “從董仲舒行誼看《春秋決獄》之事例來源.” 法制史研究, no. 30 (2016): 33-69.

Lee, Wan-Gen. “The Derivation of Judicial Cases of Spring and Autumn Annuals Judged by Dong Zhongshu’s Critical Issues.” Journal for Legal History Studies, no. 30 (2016): 33-69.
李萬晉. “從董仲舒行誼看《春秋決獄》之事例來源.” 法制史研究, no. 30, 2016, pp. 33-69.

Lee, Wan-Gen. “The Derivation of Judicial Cases of Spring and Autumn Annuals Judged by Dong Zhongshu’s Critical Issues.” Journal for Legal History Studies, no. 30, 2016, pp. 33-69.


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