本文主要探討出土秦漢法律文獻中的「庶人」,其確切身分經 研究包括「大男(56歲以上免除兵役、服徭役男性)」、「大男 (15歲以上服徭役、未服兵役男性)」、「大女(15歲以上女 性)」,以及從「罪囚」、「奴婢」出身的被赦免者。其共同點在於他們皆無需服兵役,故推測「士伍」與「庶人」的差別在於「士 伍」需服兵役,而「庶人」不需服兵役。與西周早期「庶人」為男性成丁相較,秦漢時期「庶人」包含「大女」,象徵婦女地位的提 升;而「庶人」可包含從「罪囚」、「奴婢」出身的被赦免者,象徵著當時社會階層向上流動的管道暢通。
This paper discusses the Qin and Han Dynasties unearthed legal document “shù rén (common person)”. The exact identity of “shù rén (common person)” comprises “males (over 56 years old, exempt from military service, but serve corvee)”, “males (over 15 years old, exempt from military service, but serve corvee)”, “females (over 15 years old)”, pardoned criminals, pardoned slaves. Their common is that they are not required to perform military service. So we speculated that the difference between “Shi Wu (soldier)” and “shù rén (common person)” is “Shi Wu (soldier)” required military service, and “shù rén (common person)” without military service. Early Western Zhou Dynasty “shù rén (common person)” means adult males. Comparison with the “shù rén (common person)” of the Western Zhou, Qin and Han Dynasties, Qin and Han Dynasties “shù rén (common person)” comprises “females (over 15 years old)” that is symboled to enhance the status of women. As well as Qin and Han Dynasties “shù rén (common person)” comprises “pardoned criminals” and “pardoned slaves” that is symboled social stratification upward mobility without being impeded.
shù rén (common person), shì wǔ (soldier), criminal, slave, identity