邁克爾‧維茨爾,張遠 (翻譯),〈十九、二十世紀的西方文獻學——以印度學為重心的回顧〉,《古今論衡》26(2014):115-150。
邁克爾‧維茨爾,張遠 (翻譯), “Philology in the 19th and 20th Centuries, with Special Reference to Indology,” Disquisitions on the Past & Present 26 (2014): 115-150.
邁克爾‧維茨爾,張遠 (翻譯)
2014 〈十九、二十世紀的西方文獻學——以印度學為重心的回顧〉,《古今論衡》26:115-150。
邁克爾‧維茨爾,張遠 (翻譯)
2014 “Philology in the 19th and 20th Centuries, with Special Reference to Indology.” Disquisitions on the Past & Present 26: 115-150.
邁克爾‧維茨爾,張遠 (翻譯). (2014). 十九、二十世紀的西方文獻學——以印度學為重心的回顧. 古今論衡, 26, 115-150.
邁克爾‧維茨爾,張遠 (翻譯). (2014). Philology in the 19th and 20th Centuries, with Special Reference to Indology. Disquisitions on the Past & Present, 26, 115-150.
邁克爾‧維茨爾,張遠 (翻譯). “十九、二十世紀的西方文獻學——以印度學為重心的回顧.” 古今論衡, no. 26 (2014): 115-150.
邁克爾‧維茨爾,張遠 (翻譯). “Philology in the 19th and 20th Centuries, with Special Reference to Indology.” Disquisitions on the Past & Present, no. 26 (2014): 115-150.
邁克爾‧維茨爾,張遠 (翻譯). “十九、二十世紀的西方文獻學——以印度學為重心的回顧.” 古今論衡, no. 26, 2014, pp. 115-150.
邁克爾‧維茨爾,張遠 (翻譯). “Philology in the 19th and 20th Centuries, with Special Reference to Indology.” Disquisitions on the Past & Present, no. 26, 2014, pp. 115-150.