Jiryo Masuda, “Origin and Doctrines of Early Indian Budhist Schools, a Translation of the Hsüan-chwang Version of Vasumitra’s Treatise 異部宗輪論 Translated with Annotations,” Asia Major 2 (1925): 1-78.
Masuda, Jiryo
1925 “Origin and Doctrines of Early Indian Budhist Schools, a Translation of the Hsüan-chwang Version of Vasumitra’s Treatise 異部宗輪論 Translated with Annotations.” Asia Major 2: 1-78.
Masuda, Jiryo. (1925). Origin and Doctrines of Early Indian Budhist Schools, a Translation of the Hsüan-chwang Version of Vasumitra’s Treatise 異部宗輪論 Translated with Annotations. Asia Major, 2, 1-78.
Masuda, Jiryo. “Origin and Doctrines of Early Indian Budhist Schools, a Translation of the Hsüan-chwang Version of Vasumitra’s Treatise 異部宗輪論 Translated with Annotations.” Asia Major, no. 2 (1925): 1-78.
Masuda, Jiryo. “Origin and Doctrines of Early Indian Budhist Schools, a Translation of the Hsüan-chwang Version of Vasumitra’s Treatise 異部宗輪論 Translated with Annotations.” Asia Major, no. 2, 1925, pp. 1-78.